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"I want to run for eighth grade class president." I stated directly to Ms. Mullins.

"Have you filled out the application?" She asked.

"Well, no, that's what I came to ask you for."

"Ask me for what?"

"All the forms I need to fill out in order to run for a candidate."

"Oh, right." She paused and opened her drawer and pulled out a thick packet of papers and handed it to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you."

"And, Summer, I don't want to get your hopes up, but I think you'll be a great candidate."

I paused before walking out, "Thanks Ms. Mullins."

"You're very welcome, Summer."

Giddiness welled up inside of me, and the second I left her office, the bell rang. I ran back to Mr. Finn's room, all my friends had left for lunch, except for Ben, who was picking up the desk. I ran into the room.

"Guess what?" I screeched.

"What?" Ben asked, his tone gave an odd mix of nervousness and excitement.

"When I told Ms. Mullins I was running, she said I would make a great candidate! I'm so excited."

"Summer that's amazing!" Ben said. And then he hugged me.

He hugged me.

He initiated it, it wasn't me, it was him! My stomach flew up into my throat and my head felt like I was soaring. We broke apart, "Ready to get lunch?" he asked. I blushed and nodded and we walked to our lockers. Waiting by our lockers was Katie and Zack, arguing about something stupid (as always).

"No, no no." Katie said. "You're so wrong, it hurts." Katie folded her arms and made "looks of pain" with her face.

"What're you guys arguing about?" Ben asked.

"Nothing." The two responded quickly, in unison.

"Well it was clearly something because it looked like you two were about to fight." I said.

"We were." Zack paused and glared at Katie who made a mocking face, Zack rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I'm going to Freddy's this weekend to play his new video game. You don't mind do you Summer?" Zack asked.

"Why would I care? I'm not... friends with him."

"Yeah, but I know that you two aren't on the best of terms."

"What happened?" Ben asked, inviting himself into the conversation.

I waved him off, "Nothing. Look, Zack, You and Freddy were best friends before what happened between us went down. I don't want to stop you from that. And as much as we are best friends, you and Freddy and best friends too. I'm glad you're spending time together. And anyways Freddy and I made up... sort of..." I preached. Katie gave a small clap as a joke, and Zack elbowed her.

"Thanks." Zack smiled.

"I'm glad too, that kid needs some friends... is it just me or has he been looking a little blue lately?" Katie rambled. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess, but are we going to lunch or not." I said.

"Yes! There's a grilled chicken wrap calling my name in the cafeteria."

"Ok, then lets go."

"Wait," Ben said, "what about Tomika and Owen?"

"They'll meet us there." Zack shrugged.

"And they won't be mad?"

The three of us shook our heads. "Man I love this school." Ben smiled.

"What does School have to do with Owen and Tomika?" Zack asked.

"Well, in my old school we waited for our friends or all made plans to meet somewhere. We didn't just leave whenever we wanted to."

"Well that's dumb." Katie blurred out. We all looked at her. "What, I'm entitled to an opinion."

When we got to the lunchroom, Freddy was sitting alone at a table, and Zack and Katie went and sat by him. Ben and I followed.

"Hey guys." He said.

"Hey." Ben replied, taking a seat. I sat next to him with Freddy on my right.

Tomik soon joined the table, without Owen.

"Hey Tomika... where's Owen?" I asked.

"The idiot got detention before first hour was over, so now he has to serve it at lunch." Tomika griped. "But forget about him, I wanna know about you guys. Who are your dates for the pre-homecoming dance?"

"Nobody, none of us have dates yet. It's like, three weeks away." Zack said.

"Two and a half. And that's not a lot of time. I'd get a move on if I were you." Tomika said, popping a tater tot into her mouth."

"Wow, I'd never thought I'd see the day that Tomika cared about anything other than skateboarding." Freddy marveled.

Tomika smacked Freddy's arm, "For your information, I care about A LOT more than skateboarding. That's all you care about."

Freddy glanced over at me. "Hey, I care about more than just skateboarding too." He looked down at his food. Zack gave him a look. All the boys have been acting weird, except Ben.

And speaking of boys who are weird, Lawrence joined our already crowded table.

"Ok guys, I need your help. I need to find a clever way to ask Esme to the pre-homecoming dance." He said, sitting down.

"Hmm, how bout a box of cupcakes that spell out 'Will you go to the dance with me?'" Katie suggested, making exaggerated hand motions.

"That's a terrible idea! Esme has a ton of allergies!"

"Right, I forgot..." Katie blushed.

"Well, if I were Esme," I started, getting up, "I would want someone," I quickly looked over at Ben, "to be simple. I would want him to come up to me, grab my hands, and simply just ask me." I finished, making it all around the table to where Lawrence was sitting. My arm around his shoulders while my other arm painted him a picture.

He flung my arm off his shoulders. "Well knowing Esme she wants a big show. So anyone got any better ideas?"

"Esme? Wanting a big show? That won't go over well." Tomika shook her head, "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to buy a bouquet of her favorite flowers and go to her doorstep. When she opens the door you're gonna ask her. Simple as that. Oh and you're gonna wear a suit when you ask her. Got it?"

"Got it."

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat. Freddy's eyes made eye contact with me. He smiled, and I just shrugged.

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