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After the election, I go home. I feel sick.

Summer and Ben will be happy together.

I know I should skate home, but I don't have the energy, so I just walk. I know I should've gone out with them, maybe then this wouldn't hurt so much, but I can't just sit and watch her laugh at his jokes and pay all of her attention him.

It should be me, but I'm the idiot that screwed it up, I can't blame anyone but myself.

I know everyone's sick and tired of hearing me mope about this, but how can I not mope when I'm the reason this is all screwed up. Plus there's the stupid dance this weekend, and I don't know how I can go there and face her when she's there with Ben.

I don't even wanna think about this anymore, so as soon as I get home I go down into the basement and setup my xbox, prepared to play call of duty for hours. I don't even say hi to my mom or my sister when I get in, I just brush right past them in the kitchen and go straight to the basement. I know I'll get flack for it later, but I don't care about that right now, I just need to get my mind off of the horrible situation that is my life.

After a few good hours of playing, my sister comes down the stairs, and I only know she's there because she yells "Hey loser!" and kicks my leg. I take my headphones off and look up at her, she sits down next to me, a plate in her hand. "I brought you dinner."

"Thank," I reply, taking the plate from her hands and begin chowing down.

She sits there looking around, and I know she's gonna ask me if something's wrong. "So what's up with you?" she finally asks, taking longer to ask than I thought she would. "Things not going well with you and Summer."

I shake my head and set my plate down next to me. "It's terrible, Dia. She's going to the dance with the other guy, and I can't even face her anymore. And I can't even blame her because if I hadn't started this whole dumb thing in the first place then she'd be in my arms instead of his." I yell out, I put my head in my hands, and Diana rubs my back gently, and it feels oddly comforting.

"Awe Freddy, I'm sorry." She says, and I look back up.

"I just don't know what to do anymore, it's all so messed up. I wish I could go back in time and change what I said to her."

Diana sighs, and I know she was thinking of what to say to me. "Well, you can't go back in time, but you can make things right now. Maybe you should just tell her how you feel, lay it all out, and if she still chooses this other guy afterwards, then you can move on and know that it just wasn't meant to be." Diana advises me, and I don't respond, just nod and agree. "Well I'll leave you be and if you wanna talk some more, you know where to find me." She smiles, and it's full of pity, which I hate, but what can I do about? Because that's exactly what this is-- pitiful.

I wake up Saturday morning already not feeling good, because tonight is the dance and it's gonna be miserable. I don't even think I have an outfit, and that's when I decide I'm not going, screw the fifteen dollar ticket, the school can have my money. I'm. Not. Going.

I call Zack to tell him that.

"Hey!" he answers the phone cheerfully, and I just know he woke up at six a.m. to look perfect, because he and Katie are going together, which means this'll be their first date, and he doesn't wanna screw it up.

"Hey man, I have some bad news." I sigh.

"What's up, did someone die?" He asks.

"Huh? What, no! I just wanted to tell you that I'm not going tonight." I tell him.

His reaction is immediate, "What! No! You have to come. So what if you don't have a date, you're Freddy Hamilton, girls will want to dance with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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