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I woke up late. Forty-five minutes late-- to be exact. My mom shook me awake and said that my alarm clock went off three times. I was so shocked that I literally rolled off my bed and onto the floor. I got up and took a speed shower and got dressed really fast. I brushed my teeth and packed my bag at the same time. I rinsed my tooth brush and put on my high top sneakers. I tied them fast as I could and my mom handed me my breakfast as I ran out the door. I opened the garage, grabbed my skateboard, and started my ride. I finished my piece of toast and instantly wish I could've eaten more. I rode really fast and ran up into the the school. The almost late bell had already rung, the halls were basically dead. I ran to my new locker and shoved everything in it. I then beelined for Mr. Finn's class. I made it just in the nick of time. I sauntered into the class, out of breath. And I saw something I thought I would never see. A sun-tanned Summer, perky as ever, siting on Zack's desk telling a story, apparently because all of my friends, which were also her friends, were engrossed in the story. She laughed and they laughed and it was just a crazy incident. I thought everyone was abducted by aliens. We usually were bored or annoyed by Summer's stories, we never laughed at them or thought that they were interesting. As I made my way to my seat, I heard Summer's voice say:

"...a cute boy, Gavin, asks me to dance. I say yes and..." That was the only sentence I heard. Did she like someone new? I felt a pang of jealousy come over me. It quickly faded, I was finally off the hook. I cleared my throat at the group and Summer instantly blushed. She totally still liked me, and oddly enough, I was relived. The bell rang moments later and she got up robot-like and went to her desk. She was clearly taking my rule seriously. Yes I wanted her to take it seriously...but I didn't think she was actually going to. Mr. Finn came in right after the bell rang.

"Good morning class." He started off with, "we have a great year ahead of us. We will be welcoming Katie to the spot of the bassist and Tomika will become the full time lead singer. Over the summer Zack and I co-wrote a song via FaceTime and email. I will print off sheet music and we will get cracking on it. It is going to be our "battle of the bands" song for this year. This year we are for sure doing an original song and there is no way we are going to let Night Lizard steal it." Mr. Finn stopped talking as the door opened and Ms. Mullins and a dark haired boy entered.

"Excuse me, class, happy first day of school. This is a new student, Benjamin-"

"Ben," he interrupted.

"Sorry, Ben Salce. He is joining your gifted class and I expect you to be nice to him. Looks like there's and empty seat behind Freddy, you can sit there. Freddy, raise your hand." I instantly raised my hand. She sent him to sit behind me. She scanned the room and left. Mr. Finn stated talking again. I looked over I Summer's direction, she was smiling weirdly at she always would last year. I gave her a confused look, she didn't react. She laughed and looked back up at Mr. Finn. I turned to the new boy behind me.

"What's up man?" I asked. "Freddy." I extended my hand.

"Ben," he said, shaking it firmly. I was about to say something when Mr. Finn said:

"So, it is now time to address the elephant in the room." He paused, "Ben, come up to the front of the room please." Ben slowly got up and walked to the front. "Tell me, can you keep a secret?"

"Yes..." Ben curiously said.

"Ok...can you play an instrument?" Mr. Finn asked.

"Yes." He said.

"What instrument?"


"Ok, that's cool the band can have three guitar players."

"Care to tell me what's going on?" He asked.

"Oh, forgot! We have a secret band in this class. Instead of learning we play music. We practice every year so that we can maybe win battle of the bands. We won last year and plan to win again. I will introduce the band. When I call your name, stand up." He announced.

"Tomika, our lead singer and former base player," Tomika stood.

"Zack, our electric guitar player. You will join him as the other electric guitar player." Ben nodded and Zack stood up.

"Freddy, our drummer." I stood.

"Katie, our new bassist." Katie stood up.

"Lawrence, our piano man." Lawrence stood up.

"Keyboard." He corrected.

"Whatever." Mr. Finn said.

"And finally Summer, our band manager." Summer stood up and Ben looked her right in the eyes and smiled. She returned the favor. I pretended to ignore it. Why would I care? I don't even like Summer!

"Alright you may be seated." Mr. Finn said. Everyone standing, sat and Ben went back to his seat and sat. "Alright, since Summer is the band manager, she will show you around today."

"Ok," Ben said. This gave Summer and excuse to turn around. She was looking at me again. I just rolled my eyes at her. She was so clueless. I already made it as obvious as possible-- I told her to her face! I don't like her and I never will. She's just a nuisance disguised as a girl.



I know I said there would be a ton of updates tonight, it's only these two. I'm just to tired to write more now. More will come in the morning. Updates will always come in sets of two, one chapter for Summer and one chapter for Freddy. I hope you're enjoying the book so far.


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