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Mr. Finn's class ended. Summer was the first to get up, she stood to the side, probably waiting for Ben, because she was showing him around. All of a sudden, something came over me and I walked faster up to Summer. I couldn't stop myself. I stopped right in front of her.

"Hey Summer." I said, I waited for a response, but I instantly left when I figured that I had just crossed the line of being a total douche. I told her that she couldn't talk to me and there I go talking to her! What is wrong with me? I caught up with Zack.

"Zack," I said, stopping next to him.


"I just said hi to Summer." I said. A worried expression crossed Zack's face.

"Dude! What is wrong with you! You can't tell a girl that's in love with you that she can't talk to you and then go in talk to her! That's just not right! Your messing with her emotions!" His voice got really quiet and really deep, "never mess with a girls emotions."

"I know! I have two older sisters, don't you think I know this stuff!"

"Apparently not!" Zack shouted.

"What do I do?!"

"I don't know, I've gotta meet with Ms. Mullins. I'll help you figure this out later, in the meant time, figure it out yourself."

"Yeah, ok," I nodded. Zack have me a pat on the back. I breathed in and two figures passed me. Summer and Ben. I instantly started following them, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"... I play sports, mostly soccer, but I can play a few others. I've played soccer since I started walking. It's my favorite sport. I was sad to here that the only sport they offer here is lacrosse. But I joined an elite travel soccer team here in Texas. My favorite color is blue and I have a little sister who is six, her name is Lizzy." This is where I secretly joined the conversation.

"You have such a cool life!" Summer said.

"I guess...well, now it's your turn for you to tell me about you." Ben replied.

"Alright. I've gone to school here for...this is my eighth year. I'm not trying to brag or anything when I say this, but I'm one of the smartest people in the class." Summer was interrupted.

"In the gifted class!" Ben yelled.

"Yeah, anyways I work really hard to keep my grades up. Anyways, I took ballet up until two years ago, I've recently figured out that I am somewhat tone deaf...I'm a terrible singer. Luckily my best friend, Tomika, is an amazing one. I have on sibling, a little brother. He's twenty-two months old." I didn't know that Summer had a little brother...

"You have a cool life too!" He said.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"So are you ready to go to music studies,"

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about class. Luckily we have Mr. Finn after music so we can talk more then."


"Also Lunch is after that...and you could always sit at the table with me." She said. What! She can't just invite him to the table. Wait, but she won't sit with me because I told her not to talk to me. Well at least I solved one problem, but I had bigger ones to deal with. I started to follow them. Still keeping a close ear on their conversation. Then, out of nowhere Summer turned around. I was like a dear caught in the headlights. Then, after staring at me for a few moments, Summer crashed into some kid. The both went crashing to the floor. I went over to help Summer up, but Ben beat me to it. After that she didn't turn around again. I wouldn't blame her. I told her to stay away from me.

"Hey Freddy." My thought were interrupted by Summer's best friend Tomika.

"Hey Tomika, what's up?"

"Nothing, have you seen Summer?"

"Yeah, she's on her way to music studies with Ben."

"Oh, ok thanks!" She said, picking up her lace and running from me. I kept walking and eventually Zack caught up with me.

"Hey dude." I said.

"Hey, have you figured out your little problem yet?"

"Yes, I don't like Summer and I don't think I ever will, so I'm just going to stop thinking about her. And pick someone else to like."

"Anyone except Katie,"


"And Tomika,"

"Ok I get it!"

"Just wanted to make sure..."

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