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one week later

"I can't even believe this right now. It's been one week and he still hasn't asked me. There's only a week and half left till the dance! I even have a dress! But a date? No! I mean I basically told him exactly how to ask me! What more could he want!" I yelled, throwing materials into my locker, Katie flinched every time something heavy flew in.

Katie gripped her backpack straps, "Maybe he's just waiting for the right time. Maybe he's afraid you won't say yes."

I gave Katie a look, "He knows I like him! I almost kissed him for crying out loud! I've been dropping hints for the past three weeks. We spend everyday after school together! How could he even imagine me saying no?!" I growled.

"Listen, boys are stupid. Don't try and figure them because you won't."

I sighed loudly, "You're right." I said, slamming my locker closed in exasperation. We began making our way to Mr. Finn's room, "I just wish-"

"I know." Katie said, patting my back. "Look on the bright side, you're on track to be the eighth grade class president. Are you nervous for this afternoon? They're revealing the winner after sixth period."

"Not nervous at all, I'm confident I could win." I shrugged, my attitude less-than-enthusiastic.

"That's probably because you have the best campaign manager." Katie said, flipping her hair on both sides.

I laughed, "You mean Ben?"

Katie looked completely and utterly offended, "What do you mean 'Ben'?"

"He's been over my house more times to help make posters than you have been over my house period."

"Well excuse me for not wanting to be a third wheel."

"Please, we all know that it's your laziness that is the cause of you not showing up. Don't try an fool me my friend." I wagged my finger at her, we turned into Mr. Finn room and each took our seats. I noticed Ben working on something, so I decided to go check it out. I took a seat on the edge of his desk. "Whatcha working on?" I asked, kicking my legs. Freddy entered the room and took a seat in front of us, because that was his assigned seat.

Ben quickly pulled his binder away, out of my view. "Nothing," he said quickly, and might I add harshly before folding his binder shut and putting it away in his backpack.

"Anything I should worried about?" I asked, staying up.

He rested his on his hands that were propped up, "Nope." He smiled.

I nodded and walked away, something was fishy. Too fishy if you ask me.

It was passing time from music class back to Mr. Finn's room. I was at my locker, exchanging books and what not when Tomika came rushing up to me.

"You'll never guess what I just heard!" She screamed.

"What?" I asked, smiling.

Tomika glanced around the hall and pulled my arm and pulled me into a doorway of a nearby classroom, I barely had time to shut my locker.

"What?" I whispered, more nervous than excited now.

She glanced around again, "Zack, Owen, and Ben just happened to be talking and I just happened to have over-heard Ben say that he was going to ask you to the dance today." Tomika squealed.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! This is amazing!" I yelled. But Tomika promptly shushed me.

"Do you want people to hear us?" She asked. I shook my head. "Good. He's doing it during lunch. So meet me in the bathroom before and go to your locker and wait. I'll tell him that he can find you there."

"Thanks Tomiks!" I said, hugging her before skipping off to class, what a day this was going to be.

It took lunch forever to get here. I left class a few minutes early to meet Tomika and Katie in the bathroom.

"Hey." I said, pushing the door the bathroom open, the two were standing around gossiping.

"Hey," Tomika said. She had a brush in her hand while Katie had makeup materials in hers. Tomika pulled her over and began fixing my hair while Katie did my makeup.

It was time for the lacing bell to ring, and they still weren't done. "Ok ok! I think that's enough. I want to still look natural when he asks me!"

"Fine, fine." Katie said, pulling the wand of Mascara away from my face. "Ya look good anyways."

"Our work here is done." Tomika smirked, and fist bumped with Katie.

I looked at them nervously, "Should I go?" I asked.

"Yes!" They both exclaimed at the same time, pushing me off of the stool I was sitting on. I got up, straightened my skirt in the mirror, and went to leave the bathroom.

Tomika called me back before the door had completely closed all the way. "What?" I asked, pressed for time, the bell was ringing as I spoke.

"Take this!" She said, slamming a breath mint into my hands. I examined it for a moment.

"Thanks!" I said, before popping it in my mouth and making my way efficiently to my locker. I think I might have heard Katie call "good luck" after me, but I can't be sure.

I waited by my locker, opening it and making it look like it was any other day. Until I turned around, and I saw him coming up to me.

His smile was so natural, so sweet. And as he walked towards me, it felt like slow motion. This was the moment, I felt like I had been waiting forever when he finally arrived.

"Hey Summer," He breathed out and smiled.

I let out a little laugh, I could barely contain my joy, "Hi," I muttered out.

"I have something to ask you." He said, bluntly and out of the blue. I had assumed he was going to make more small talk until either his nerves got the better of him or until they were completely gone.

"You can ask me anything." I smiled.

"Here goes," he muttered softly under his breath before taking both my hands in his. Shivers went down my arms as he opened his mouth and asked:

"Summer Hathaway, will you go to the dance with me?"

It was perfect, just as I imagined it would be.

And of course, I said yes.

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