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I shot up out of my bed 15 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I shook off the feeling and stood up to get dressed and shower. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked really tired, and my hair was a mess. I turned on the hot water and stepped into the shower. About 10 minutes later I was in my room, half dressed for school. I put on navy blue dress pants, a light blue button down shirt, a red and blue tie, and a blue Horace Green hoodie. I brushed my hair and went downstairs to eat. My sister hadn't woken up yet. My mom was still sleeping and my dad had already left for work. I got out the box of Lucky Charms and poured myself a good sized bowl.
Let's just say it was gone within seconds. So, I poured myself another bowl and tried to eat slower this time. My sister came trampling down the stairs, showered and half dressed.

"Good morning sis!" I cheered. She gave me the death glare.

"Not on the mood, Freddy."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..."

"No, someone woke up on time and on the right side of the bed, but their mood turned bad when someone left them a cold shower!"

"Are you talking about me?"

She nodded her head and folded her arms.

I stood up with my cereal bowl that had a little bit of milk left in it that I was about to take to the sink. "I only took a 7 minute shower, you should've had plenty of warm water."

"Well I didn't." She scowled. I put my bowl in the sink and then put my hands up in a surrender. I ran upstairs to my room to do my hair. I gelled it up, like usual, and double checked it twice in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection. And ran back downstairs to put on my shoes.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled out to Diana.

"So am I..." She said, running down the stairs, fully dressed and ready. She slipped on her black shoes and went out the front door.

"Bye little bro." She smirked and closed the front door. My sister could be weird sometimes. I grabbed my skateboard, knee pads, and my helmet and went out the garage door. I glided down the sidewalk and waited at the crosswalk to cross the street. Finally the "walk" symbol appeared and I skated my way in front of the cars, if they would've moved one inch I would've been knocked off my board and I could've been seriously injured. I turned left down a street named "Charleston" which I discovered was a short cut to get to school last year. I rode down the street and stopped at a house. I got off my skateboard. There was a lady gardening.

"Hi Mrs. Wilson!" I waved.

"Freddy! Long time no see!" She said, coming over to give me a hug.

I met Mrs. Wilson last year on my way to school after I first discovered the short cut. She tried to bust me for skateboarding, but we actually ended up becoming friends, if that's the right word for it... Anyways every time I come down this street I always go out of my way to say "Hi!"

"How have you been? You haven't taken this street in forever!" She questioned.

"Yeah I have, I've just been leaving the mouse later. It seems like you've always gone back inside by the time I ride past."

"Oh, well, Do you have to be at school now?"

"Yeah, but it's fine."

"No, no! Go! I don't want to be holding you up!"

"Thanks, I'll stop by again later today, if I have time."

"Have a good day dear."

"You too Mrs. Wilson." I waved and rode away, making it to the school with plenty of time to spare. Because of waking up early, I was early today so I went to my locker since I couldn't find any of my friends. I put my skateboard and helmet in and grabbed my books and went to Mr. Finn's class. I stopped totally to a boy named Louis along the way. I walked into Mr. Finn's classroom, Zack and Lawrence were sitting at their desks arguing about something.

"Hey dudes. Whatcha talking about?"

"Lawrence doesn't believe that I like Katie." Zack scowled.

"Because he doesn't!" Lawrence stated.

"Fine, then who do I like?" Zack asked.

"Clearly Tomika."

"What? Where did that even come from."

"How could you not see it, he totally likes Katie." I said.

"I just don't see it." Lawrence said. "I've always shipped you and Tomika."

"And why haven't you said anything!" Zack whined.

"Because I thought you would get mad."

"Clearly!" Zack shouted. "I mean Katie,"

"Yes?" Katie asked.

Zack turned around. "Hi Katie." He did a double take. "Wait, KATIE!"

"Yeah, why so shocked?"

"Umm, you didn't hear any part of our conversation did you?"

"No, why was it about me?"

"Nope, not at all."

"Oh, ok." She said, and if I'm not mistaken her voice was a little sad. Maybe she liked Zack. By then I remembered, if Katie is here then Summer is here. I looked around for Summer and spotted her and Ben walking to her desk. He set a book down on it. Did he carry her books for her? I'm almost positive that he did. That just made my blood boil. They talked for a second and Ben winked at Summer and went to his seat.

"Hey Freddy." He said.

"Hi." I sneered.

"Ok, not in the mood to talk." He said. Leaning back in his chair so that he was farther from me. Mr. Finn walked in the room a second later.

"Good morning class. Today is the moment that all of you have been waiting for. Today we shall find out who is going to Summer's assistant. Summer, would you do the honors?" Mr. Finn asked.

"I'd be happy to!" Summer said, as she got up and stood I front of the class. She was talking and talking, but I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. She was just so beautiful, I couldn't stop staring at her. All of a sudden I felt something kick my foot. It was Zack.

"Stop staring at Summer." He mouthed angrily.

I put my hands up in a surrender and mouthed "fine" back to Zack.

"That person is..." This was it, she was about announce who it was.

Please not Ben, please not Ben

I though to myself. She looked at Mr. Finn and together they said:

"Ben Salce."

People clapped and Ben stood up. I couldn't help myself. I was overcome with jealousy that I just couldn't stop myself. I stood up and yelled:


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