Chapter 1: Lost

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[Bold text means speech
Italic text means thought
Underlined text means author notes]
Ding dong! Hello this is your headmaster Monokuma! It is now time for classes! Please walk in a orderly fashion to your class.

Wow everything here is so formal. I'm surprised I was accepted into this school as the ultimate supernatural. I'm a half demon and a half devil. Let's see. I have math class! Alright. Where is that.......? You thought to yourself. As you were walking down the long narrow hallways you try to find your math class.


'Huh???' You clumsily bumped into someone. 'Oh I am so sorry! I didn't mean to' You notice that he has a hamster on his scarf staring at you. He replied with a loud voice that seemed to pierce through the light, 'You fiend! How dare you bump into the supreme overlord of ice! You cowering mortal!' You were a little shocked at that response, but you had to fight back, after all you were a feisty girl! 'Tch if anyone here is a mortal its you. I bet you go around being all like 'look at me I'm a half demon so cool right' when you're an imposter. I'm half demon, half devil. If anyone is a mortal it's you' With a smirk you walked off and finally found your math class.

Gundham POV

That girl... What was her name. How intriguing that she threatens me and my four dark devas of destruction. I will get her back if it's the last thing I do in this overworld. With a mental smirk Gundham rushed over to his own class, not wanting to be late.

Sorry for the short chapter. Is it alright for the first chapter? Please tell me if I made any grammatical mistakes or what not. I'm not too good at English.

Thanks for reading

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