Chapter 7: Close your eyes

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You had finished your breakfast and were washing the plate when you felt two arms wrap around your waist. You turned around to look who it was and it was Gundham. You smiled softly and let him stay there. You were both silent, but this silence spoke many words. You finished washing the place and dried your hands and turned around to hug Gundham back. He smiled softly and said How was breakfast my dark queen. You smiled and replied It was wonderful my dark lord. He smiled softly and he lifted you up and took you to the living room where you were greeted by your dogs and his hamsters. He still was carrying you, but it didn't hurt. Usually you hated being lifted up, but you trusted Gundham. When you were small 2 people lifted you up one then threw you on the ground, and you cut open something pretty bad which is why you don't like being lifted up. You nuzzled your head into Gundhams chest and took his scarf off. He didn't mind and he watched you put it on. Close your eyes. He said, and that's what you did. What happened next you didn't expect, but you felt a soft pair of lips on yours. You blushed dark red, but you have to admit, you liked it. You kissed back softly. About 20 seconds later Gundham mumbled I love you my dark queen. You smiled and just kissed him again to confirm your love for him. He put you down onto the ground and looked into your eyes then kissed you again, but a little more passionately. You smiled and kissed back just as passionately. I love you too my dark King. You smiled and rested your head on his chest, while he strokes your hair.

Sorry it was so short, and that it took me so long I kept re writing it, but I'm happy with this.
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Thanks to
-Frosty_Blizzard for voting up my last chapters.

Thanks for reading <3

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