Chapter 5: Morning Cuddles and Missing

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You wake up to something warm wrapped around you and a pleasant smell. You open your eyes and suddenly turn dark red. Your memories come back to you. Oh I must of fallen asleep last night while watching the movie. But that wasn't the probably. Gundham's arms were wrapped around you and you were using his chest as a pillow. You would of screamed and ran and just flipped out if it was Teruteru but this was your friend, but even so this is a little close. You try to escape without waking him but your dog, Obiezione, barks instantly waking him up.

Gundham POV

Ugh I was having such a pleasant dream about the underworld as well. Anyway a dog is in trouble! WAIT! Oh no I fell asleep hugging Y/N she's probably going to think I'm a pervert like Teruteru or I don't know will she hate me, I cannot live without my dark queen! A-Ah I'm sorry Y/N the gods must of cursed me to accidentally of hugged you way too close I'm sorry my dark queen!

Normal POV

Gundham moved away blushing bright red but couldn't find his scarf, little did he realise that you were wearing it. Looking for something Gundham~? Gundham turned a darker shade of red, G-Give me that you fiend! The souls of the gods are in that scarf and my four dark devas of destruction might attack you again they are sleeping there! You gave Gundham his scarf back and smiled. You are adorable Gundham! You exclaimed, then Gundham replied with, I am fierce not cute, I am the supreme ice ruler of the underworld! You smiled at his cuteness and just ruffled his hair, then watched him turn a even darker shade of red. You just silently hugged Gundham and he hugged you back shyly. Hey Gundham, thanks for being a awesome friend. Somehow he managed to blush even darker and he nuzzled his head into your neck, H-hey that tickles hehe! You smiled softly but just hugged for what seemed like forever but you just didn't want to let go, and he didn't want to let go either.

•Ding Dong•

Oh I'll go get the door! You were blushing but you went to the door, it was just a parcel. You then went back into the lounge to see Gundham hugging your dog. You smiled and made some breakfast, for you and Gundham, the dark devas of destruction, and your dogs. You then went back into the living room and you are with the pets and Gundham.

•Time skip brought to you by Mechumaru•

Gundham had left so you decided to go out and you saw a man in black follow you then suddenly he put something over your mouth and you blacked out. [Yet again I am sorry I'm making Fuyuhiko a villain when he is just a adorable gangster]

You wake up to find Peko standing over you. P-P-Peko? What are you doing here where a-am I? She was silent but had a smirk on her face. She lifted me up and took me to a grand room where Fuyuhiko was. You were scared, What happened why is Peko here and Fuyuhiko here I don't remember a thing... Where is Gundham? You were holding back tears W-where am I? Why am I here Fuyuhiko. He stood up and walked over to you and hugged you. To make you mine, my gangster fiancée. You felt like screaming in fear but you knew no one would hear. You were terrified, N-No I don't want that, let me go back home! I don't love you! He calmly pulled you closer, That's what you think now but you'll regret it if you walk out here, if you still can walk by that time. He smashed his lips onto yours but you cried and tried to pull away, but it was no use he was way too strong. N-NO GET OFF O-OF ME!!! You were crying and your vision was blurry but you could see some of the guards feel bad for you while Peko just watched her young master. Fuyuhiko wasn't going to stop anything, until he heard a slam of the doors which shocked you.

Your loyal friends, always coming to you when in need, Kyoko, Makoto, Hajime, Komaeda and Gundham were there. You just watched while still sobbing and Gundham used his dark devas of destruction to make the hamsters bite a place on the back of the hitmen's necks to make them pass out temporarily, while Kyoko and Makoto arrested Fuyuhiko and Peko, and Komaeda and Hajime were dealing with the rest of the hitmen. After Gundham collected his hamsters he walked over to you and wiped your tears and hugged you. G-Gundham. You were still crying and you couldn't think straight, so you just used his chest as a pillow. He softly stroked your hair to calm you down. H-How did you guys know I was h-here? And then Kyoko replied calmly, Komaeda saw the Hitman knock you out so he followed him to this place then called us. You still couldn't stop crying, T-Thanks. Gundham held your hands and squeezed them softly and lifted you up. I'm taking her back home you fiends she needs some rest. and he mumbled under his breath, My poor dark queen...

Gundham took you home then left that night but he gave you his number and told you to call him incase you were scared and he left Cham-P with you for protection and to make you feel comfort.


You got a message from your friends in a group chat with Komaeda, Makoto, Hajime and Kyoko.

Texting POV

Kyoko - Are you feeling alright Y/N

Y/N - Yeah thank you so much for helping me, I don't know what would of happened without you guys.

Komaeda - So what's the deal with you and Gundham?

Y/N - Nothing we are just friends, why?

Hajime - You guys seem pretty close.

Y/N - Well we are good friends, nothing more.

Makoto - Suuuuuure, you know Gundham never had friends before you.

Y/N - Really? But he's such a nice guy.

Makoto - Yeah he seems like a nice guy, I guess he only gets on with a certain type of people.

Y/N - Yeah, well I'm off to bed goodnight.

Rest of friends - Sleep well Y/N

Thanks for reading that chapter bit was over 1000 words O~O, also I'm thinking of doing another story after I finish this of Komaeda X Hajime. If you want me to do a certain ship message me or comment below.

Thanks for reading I love you guys so much and thanks to Puppelove for voting up once again. <3


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