Chapter 8: School and Jealousy

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You and Gundham had started dating yesterday, and today you were going into school. You both decided not to tell anyone except your close friendship group (Makoto, Komaeda, Hajime and Kyoko). You were just walking into school when you saw Peko death glaring you, whilst also having a conversation. You held onto Gundhams arm, feeling kind of scared, and he gave you a soft reassuring smile. You had your first class and then told your friends about you and Gundham. Kyoko said Just as I suspected it would happen. Makoto said You guys will have a great relationship, after all hope and fate is guiding the way. Hajime said Well done! Komaeda said At least you're lucky enough to get someone. Hajime just gave Komaeda a hug. You totally shipped Hajime and Komaeda in your mind. You then walked off to see Sonia trying to get Gundham to hug her, but failing miserably. When Gundham saw you he left Sonia and cake over to you. You felt a little jealous that someone was all over your guy, but you know Gundham wouldn't ever cheat on you. You wrapped your arms around Gundham, and he hugged you back, while Sonia just watched in complete jealousy. You held Gundhams hand and walked off to get food while smiling and chatting.

Sonia POV

Tch that Y/N stealing MY Gundham away from me... I wonder if there is any way I can get her away from Gundham. I heard Fuyuhiko is trying to do the same, maybe I'll team up with him. She won't know what's coming to her, and Gundham will be so deep in grief he will be weak for me to claim.

Normal POV

The bell went and you hugged Gundham goodbye and went to classes. You were sat next to Makoto, so the whole of the lesson you were just talking about Gundham, and Komaeda and Hajime. He kept trying to bring Kyoko up, you could tell that he had a huge crush on her, but you didn't say anything yet.

•Time skip brought to you by Teruterus hair•

It was late at night and in the group chat of your class you got these messages.

Message POV

Sonia : Party at mine on Saturday who's coming

Makoto : I'll be there

Kyoko : I'll come too!

Hajime : May as well come

Komaeda : Are you sure you want trash like me there?

Sonia : You can come Komaeda

Komaeda: Okay I'll come

Fuyuhiko : Sure I'll be f**kin there

The rest of your class : Sure!

Y/N : I'll be there!

Normal POV

If only you knew that Sonia and Fuyuhiko secretly planned to spike your drink....

Thank you so much for 200 reads! Thanks to Puppelove, hsl_artist and Frosty_Blizzard for the vote ups on my last chapters. If you liked this comment or vote up if you want I guess (still suck at this)

If you want me to do any other X Readers message or comment who and I'll do it :D thanks for reading!

If you want me to do any other X Readers message or comment who and I'll do it :D thanks for reading!

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