Chapter 24: Stay with me

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(Warning you made need a tissue. Maybe a thousand tissues. Basically this is a sad chapter so this is your warning)

You were running. You felt your phone vibrating. It was probably Gundham, but you had no time to answer. You were being chased by some maniac with a knife. You were trying to run to your house you weren't too far. The maniac was speeding up, coming closer and closer every second. You could feel your body getting weaker. Were you going to die.... You were immortal sure but that's to disease and age, not to being stabbed. You could actually die.

You stopped. Paralysed in pain. The man runs away. You fall to the floor. There is a knife in your stomach. You were there silent for what felt like an eternity until all the pain kicked in. A-AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You screamed. She heard. She saw you own the floor. K-Kyo-Ko.... Kyoko was there. What was going on. Everything went black.

Beep beep.... Beep beep.... Beep beep.... The sound of a heartbeat on a monitor. The faint smell of medicine and the faint murmuring of doctors chatting. The sobbing of a truly sad so. It surrounded you. You wanted to move. You could not. You wanted to open your eyes. You could not. You wanted to speak. You could not. You wanted to be okay. NOTHING IS OKAY. The memories came flooding in. That man chasing you. You being stabbed. Kyoko finding you... She always finds you when you need it. You heard Kyoko and Gundham talking about you. You heard Gundhams voice, it was clear he had been crying or at least sobbing. You always make him worry. You were worried. You were stabbed in the stomach. What about your children. If you wake up will you still be a mother, or just unlucky...  You felt tears falling from your eyes but you couldn't move. Y/N please don't cry my goddess. I-I love you. Our kids are okay. The doctor checked, the knife didn't hit them. He found out we're having twins so please wake up when you can. I wake to hold you and cuddle with you I-I... You felt tears landing on your cheek. You wanted to wake up. You wanted to hug him and wipe his tears but you couldn't. You just couldn't. You hated it. This was so unfair. You could be here for weeks unable to move.

Y/N it's me Makoto. I brought you some flowers. He held your hand. I hope you don't feel pain. The doctors say you're likely to wake up soon, so don't go insane. I miss you and I owe you a hug... Also Gundham hasn't left the hospital. He's asleep in the waiting room. He really loves you. He's glad your kids are okay, but he misses you a lot. He wanted me to tell you that he loves you. Goodbye I'll be back tomorrow. Makoto left, leaving you in the room again. You eventually drifted off into your own sleep.

•A week later...?

You lost track of time but you assumed it was around a week since you first came to this hospital. You were bored, but it wasn't like you could do anything. You were just listening to everyone feeling sorry for you. Your friends brought chocolate and flowers for you. You were going to enjoy eating all that chocolate when you woke. I mean it's okay to give into your pregnancy cravings... Right? I'm sure the children wouldn't mind the chocolate. You felt a hand on your cheek. My queen they caught the criminal. He's going to be locked away now, Kyoko caught him. I hope you're not feeling pain. I love you my beautiful wife. I'll always stick by you in times you need it. Gundham kissed your cheek and held your hand. You tried to say something, Gunnndham...
Gundham! Your eyes shot open. You woke up! My queen! Are you okay I love you how is everything.
I'm fine, my stomach hurts a little but it's nothing like the pain when I got stabbed.
I'm going to get a doctor. I can't believe you finally woke up I'm so happy.
Wait Gundham just one minute.
I heard everything. I felt your tears on my face I love you too. I'll always stick by you as well no matter what. Gundham just leaned in and softly kissed you, and a nurse came in. Ah you woke up! Let me get a doctor. The nurse hurried out and got a doctor. After some examining the doctor said You are free to go in 24 hours. About your children,
I know doctor I heard everything while I was in the coma or whatever it is called.
Oh good.

•The next day.

Gundham drive you home and the first thing you saw when you opened your house was your friends with happy faces with flowers and chocolates. Ah!
Y/N! We are so glad you are okay. You just smiled and hugged your friends. They looked very happy, but your smile was the brightest. You could finally move and be with your friends. You swear you had the worst luck sometimes, kidnapped, betrayed, treason, parents, being stabbed what next were you going to be drugged? Nah that's ridiculous. You had a nice time with your friends and played some games. Hey Kyoko.
How do you always find me?
Just lucky I guess. Gundham called me to say you were missing.
Ah well I was being chased for so long I just couldn't pick up, otherwise he would of gotton to me. I guess he caught up to me in the end but oh well, no point complaining.
You really are something Y/N.
Hehe. Oh! Also thank you for catching the killer and Makoto I thought you owed me a hug. Without saying anything Makoto hugged you gently, not wanting to hurt you. You hugged back and giggled. Hey Makoto, can I call you Mako from now on?
Sure of course Y/N.
Hehe thanks. You're adorable. Afterwards you went over to Gundham and sat in his lap, and hugged his waist, glad to finally be able to hug him. Gundham kissed your forehead. Hinata was smiling and was drinking orange juice happily while Komaeda was rambling on about hope to Mako. Your friends were a weird bunch, but you've never loved them more. You couldn't wait to have children. You just wondered what to call your children when you got them. (I already have the names)


This chapter was meant to be 2500 words but oh well. Oh well. Who cares I wanted to get it out anyway.

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