Part 4: Jealousy and Dogs

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It was the next day of school and you were bored in class. Unfortunately you were sat next to Teruteru and Hifumi so you got either perverted comments or comments about the 2D world which wasn't exactly your thing. You sighed softly and just rested your head on the desk, blocking out the noises. You drifted into sleep on accident.

•Timeskip brought to you by Future Foundation•

Squeak squeak! You wake up to Jum-P tickling your nose. Nghnnn? You stretch and sit up. You fiend, falling asleep in class! Fwahahaha you are surely no match for my hamsters either. Go Jum-P
Maga-D Sun-D Cham-P! The hamsters jumped onto your shoulders and 'attacked you' Hahah! Get them off it tickles hehehe! the hamsters were tickling you and you couldn't control your laughter. Get her my dark devas of destruction!!! You couldn't stop laughing until the hamsters finally got off of you. Phew! Gundham your hamsters are so adorable, but you're more adorable! You exclaimed. You watched as Gundham turned a dark shade of red and hid his face with his scarf, T-thank you my d-dark queen. You smiled and hugged him, Cutie. Little did you know that a certain Fuyuhiko was watching with jealousy. [I love Fuyuhiko but in this I'm gonna make him a small villain please forgive me.]

Fuyuhiko POV

Tch that d**khead Gundham Tanaka, taking what is rightfully mine away from me. Fuyuhiko was just watching Gundham and Y/N hug and talk about the most random of things. Hey Gundham, if you're free would you like to come over to mine, I have 2 dogs. I mean you don't have to come! Y/N said. Fuyuhiko stormed off, I will get Peko to help me bring Y/N to me, as for Gundham he can rot in this underworld he so called made up. Tch what a f**ckin loser.

Gundham POV

I'd l-like that f-fiend. Gundham replied shyly with a blush. She is my dark goddess, and now I find out she has 2 dogs. She truly is something. I just want to protect her and my faithful companions. Wait for me outside the gates okay! She said. Of course!

Normal POV

You softly held Gundhams hand and squeezed it gently. Gundham was tempted to kiss your hand, but he was just too shy.

Ding dong ding dong!

Hello! This is your headmaster Monokuma! It is now time to get back to classes, then it's home time for the lot of you!

You smiled softly and waved goodbye to Gundham and went to your class.

•Another time skip brought to you by Gundham's magical poofy hair•

It was now Afterschool and you were waiting for Gundham. Yo, Y/N! a voice said, Huh? Oh hey Fuyuhiko what's up? You replied, kind of surprised he actually said something that didn't contain a swear word in it. Not much, do you wanna chill out for a bit? He shyly said. Maybe later, my friend is coming to my house. Oh there he is now! Hey Gundham! You hugged Gundham as he arrived and Fuyuhiko left without a word. O-oh? Bye Fuyuhiko! Gundham didn't say anything but just hugged back and smiled softly.

•At your Apartment/Flat•

[Ah I forgot to mention your dogs name is Obiezione [Obb-ee-zee-oh-ney] and Igi [Ee-gee] (They both mean objection in Italian and Japanese)]

You just arrived into the apartment to be welcomed by your dogs. Woof woof! You hugged your dogs and they tried to hug back. Your dog, Igi, went up to Gundham and licked his hand. Gundham strokes his fur softly and hugged the dog. Your dogs are very well kept. Gundham's eyes were lit up and he was playing with both of your dogs. Do you want anything to eat or a drink Gundham? You asked politely, No thanks but could you get some water for my devas of destruction? You nodded and went to the kitchen to get some water and some sunflower seeds and you came back and you found Gundham pkaying with your dogs. You thought to yourself He is so cute. You put the water and sunflower seeds on a table. The water is on the table, I also put some sunflower seeds there as well incase they were hungry. Wanna watch a movie later? You shyly said. I'd love to my dark queen and thanks. He smiled softly.

•Yet another time skip brought to you by Magical Miracle Girl Usami•

You were watching a movie with Gundham and you accidentally fell asleep and was using him as a pillow. Gundham blushed red but let you sleep there not wanting to disturb you.

I tried to make this chapter a little longer as a sorry for it coming out late

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I tried to make this chapter a little longer as a sorry for it coming out late. I'll try to get another chapter out later

Thanks for reading please comment or up vote if you want or whatever. If you want me to do another X reader or anything just comment or message me and I'll comment or message back :)

Thank you guys!

Thanks to Puppelove for the up vote!

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