Chapter 6: Tears and Hand-Holding

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It was late night, and you were terrified that somehow, from somewhere Fuyuhiko would come back. You had just woke up from a horrible nightmare about being kidnapped and some terrible things happening to you that just make you sick to your stomach. You needed someone, and you knew you shouldn't be selfish and wake someone up, but you were about to break down and you texted Gundham, Come over I'm scared. If you're awake. You felt selfish but almost instantly he replied, Be there in a few minutes my dark goddess. You smiled and when the door bell rang you opened it to see Gundham there. You just broke down into tears and he wrapped his arms around you while you cried softly into his chest, you were scared, but you knew with Gundham you would be safe. You held onto him and he lifted you up and say you down somewhere comfortable and got you a glass of water. You were still scared but you felt calmer with him around, knowing that someone is there. You eventually stopped crying. You sadly said in a quiet tone I-I'm sorry G-Gundham but he just stroked your hair and whispered into your eyes, Anything for you my dark goddess. You just nuzzled against his chest and fell asleep, feeling a lot more safer and comfortable than before. He squeezed your hands and fell asleep with you, holding you close, and a little part of him never wanted to let go.

•In the beautifullll mornnnnning•

You woke up to the smell of F/B [Favorite Breakfast] and you walked into the kitchen to see Gundham cooking it for you. You smiled and hugged Gundham from behind. Good morning my dark goddess. Did you sleep well? You nodded and gave him a gentle, but meaningful quick kiss on the cheek, Thank you so much Gundham! It means a lot. He blushed darker than Mahiru's hair and just mumbled a T-Thank you Y/N. Regretting that he didn't have his scarf to cover up his face with him. He finished the breakfast and served it to you then gave a quick kiss on your forehead. I'm going to go shower while you eat my dark goddess. It was now your turn to blush darker than Mahiru's hair. You didn't know it but you were developing feelings for the boy, and he was developing feelings for you.

Sorry it was short, it is 3am here so I'm quite tired, but I wanted to get a chapter out.

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And thanks for Puppelove for the vote up!

THANKS FOR 100 VIEWS *insert a million hearts*And thanks for Puppelove for the vote up!

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