Chatper 23: Kings and Queens

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You were lying on the couch and Gundham was behind you hugging your waist from behind. You were watching a tv series you both liked a lot. You had told your friends about being pregnant, and they congratulated you. Kyoko seemed very happy for you. You were smiling softly. It has been one month since you found out you were pregnant. Gundham had been treating you like a queen ever since. He was really adorable. I must be blessed that the gods have given me such a lovely dark queen. You are so beautiful, and our child will be beautiful too. I'm so glad that we are having this together, I love you Y/N.
Gundham I love you so much, you are my king and you always will be forever.

Forever. You kissed him softly and he kissed back. You loved him with your entire heart and you want to be with him for forever, even if it meant becoming a mortal and dying or him becoming immortal. You nuzzled your head into his chest and he gently hugged you. You were totally in love with each other, and nothing could stop that love. Or could it?

•1 month later.

•Gundham POV

Y/N isn't home and she's not answering her phone. She said she would be home a hour ago. I should call Kyoko... My poor queen where are you. Kyoko?
Yes Gundham is everything alright?
No.... Y/N should of been home an hour ago, she's not answering her phone or reading my texts or anything. She would of told me if she would be late. I-I don't know where she is.
Where was she meant to be going?
S-She was getting g-groceries.
Alright. I'll try to find her or reach a connection. I'll tell my police force. Thank you.
P-Please try and find her. Call me soon Kyoko.
She'll be alright. She's tough and you know that.
T-Thank you...

•Normal POV

Where is Y/N..... And what happened if anything happened at all.

Thank you all for reading. Sorry for ending it on a cliffhanger. Author is mean I know. If you liked this comment or vote up if you would like to ^_^ thanks reader! Thanks to these people for voting up: (If I missed you comment below)

Also sorry for the late chapters was busy all day. I'll try to get some chapters out over the next few days but I'm at work. Thank you readers!

P.S. The next chapter may be sad not decided yet. Get tissues ready you sensitive souls!

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