Chapter ∞ Five ∞

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I woke up to four eyes starring at me, making me jump back. I combed a hand though my hair as I sat up and looked at Vee and Jason, "Why are you both starring at me like some sick cereal killer?" They looked at each other laughing, Jason stood up and walked into the bathroom, I was still weirded out by last night. Knowing them for now one-ish days, Jason seemed like a guy that was always acting like he was on his period. And nobody wants that.

"Well," Vee stared after Jason disappeared, "Jason probably wouldn't want me to tell you this but, we just kind of howl at each other to wake up. We've never seen a human wake up, so... yeah. And just so you know I trust you, we girls have got to stick together. I'm here for you if you need-" she was cut off when Jason came back into the room.

She turned around to him in her cheerful state, "Let's all go down to the buffet in the lobby. It's early so I think you'll be okay to go down too."

He gave Vee a startled look as if she was suggesting of eating a dead corpse. "What if something happens?" He questioned Vee through gritted teeth. Then glaring at me as if this was my idea.

"What did I do? I'm pretty fed up with the way you've been treating me. You kidnapped me and wouldn't even let me take a shower because I might 'try something'." I said with added air quotes. "What is there to even do in a shower besides to actually take a shower?" I had to give Jason a piece of my mind, and I may be coming across like a jerk, but seriously? Not even a shower? I smell like a garbage can. It's disgusting.

"You won't let her take a shower Jason?" Vee said putting her hands on her hips. "We talked about this, even because of what happened with Dominic, doesn't mean anything bad will happen to us. I told you to loosen the death hold that you currently you have on her. Just go take a shower Macey." She said pulling me up from the bed, making my T-shirt pull up so you could see a few inches of tanned skin. I caught Jason's eyes focused on it for a second, then shot up to my eyes when I pushed the shirt back down.

I scooted into the bathroom that was behind him and shut the door, leaning the back of my head against the door. Just as I started to pull away from the door I heard Vee and Jason start a conversation. And me being me I ease drooped, I mean who wouldn't? Your in a room with two werewolves, so I don't feel bad.

"You mentioned Dominic." Jason said. I could tell his tone was angry, even through a door. I could picture his face, the one he always gets when he's angry. His eyebrows pull together and he pushes his lips together as if they were being held together by cement. It was kind of cute. I was day dreaming about Jason. And I liked it. He was the bad guy. Wasn't he? Or maybe the guy in the closet was. I'm so confused.

"Shh..not here, not now. I think she can still here us." Vee said, "Why don't you stay in here until Macey's done in there and afterwards you can just come down with her."

The warm water running down my back was all I needed, it calmed me and made me feel fresh again. After I was done with a long, but at the same time too short shower, I found a pair of clean clothes sitting on the toilet seat. That just weirded me out, Did Jason put those there? Was he only a foot away from me when I was naked? I quickly dressed and ran my fingers through my hair in an anticipation to dry my hair. As I stepped out of the bathroom, Jason was sitting on my unmade bed with his feet pointed towards the bathroom door and his head hanging in his chest. His eyes rose and ran their way up my body and stopped at my eyes.

"What took you so long?" He asked standing up from the bed, heading for the door.

"I just needed-" I started but was cut off. He has a bad habit of doing that.

"Some more alone time?" He said. I felt blood running to my face, making me blush. Why does he always have to know everything? "Let's go, I'm starving," he said holding the door open for me. What a gentleman.


Down in the motel lobby they had set up a buffet style breakfast with the general hotel food. Located right beside the buffet was a Starbucks though, kind of weird in a cheap hotel, but hey, I wasn't complaining. This was the best thing that had happened since my shower! I was so happy I couldn't even control my running straight towards the line and bouncing up and down.

"What's so special about Star-bucks?" Jason said forming the word into two words.

"You've never had Starbucks?" I asked, he nodded. I was speechless. You have to live in a hole to no have Starbucks. "Do you like Coffee?" Something was serious wrong with this kid.

"No, not really. It's too strong for my taste," he said looking at the menu located behind my head.

"Okay then I know exactly what to get you." I turned to the cashier who gave me a small smile. "Two Vanilla Frappes please."

"Okay, that will be right up." He smiled as he handed me my check after I paid. "And I put my number on it, if you wanted." He rubbed the back of his hand down the side of his neck.

"Umm... No thanks, I just want the coffee please." Funny how a Starbucks guy in, who knows where, just gives you his number and I can't even get a boyfriend back home. I started walking over to the table I saw Vee was at when we walked in. But I was stopped by Jason's yelling.

"She said she wanted her coffee? Where is it?" He screamed at the cashier, making heads turn throughout the lobby.

"Sir, it will be right out. We're making it now." The cashier gestured toward the lady making our drinks.

"I don't think you understand. She wanted it now." Jason said grabbing the cashier's collar.

"What's going on here?" A tall old man, the manager probably, said stepping out of the back office. I felt a hand touch my arm as Vee passed and headed towards Jason. She pulled him back so he stood breathing heavily a good three feet away from the cashier.

"This guy," the cashier started pointing at Jason, "got all mad when I gave his girlfriend my number. I don't see what the big deal is, she rejected it anyways."

"Marco, we talked about this. No assaulting customers. It makes them feel weird." The manager looked at Jason,"I'm sorry sir, here are your drinks and a ten dollar gift card. Please except our apologizes." He said putting them on the counter. Vee started rushing Jason out and mumbled under her breath to come in the car after I was done getting the drinks. This kept getting weirder and weirder.


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