Chapter ∞ Eight ∞

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"Wake up Macey," I was awakened by a hand gently shaking my shoulder. I sat up in a daze and stared out the window. On my right I could see a mountain that looked as if just the top existed.

"Welcome to Portland Oregon," Jason said ducking his head in from the passenger side of the car. I looked out the window again, it was more beautiful than anything I had every seen. The color of the sky was a light blue and pink gradient color, drawing me closer to it. The color of the mountain was a pure white like a marshmallow.

"Charles is here to give you the test." Vee said staring off in the distance.

"Oh, okay." The sooner they could find out I was innocent, the sooner I could leave. "You must be exited to see him," I said. I didn't really know much about Charles, only that Vee and him were dating.

"Yeah," she said smiling down at me. "You'll do fine, he's just like a super nerd, nothing bad will happen." She sighed and looked at me again, "I hope you don't have to leave, I like not being the only girl around."

"Yeah," I said smiling. Vee was a close friend of mine now, it didn't matter if I only just met her. I didn't have many friends back home, and the ones I did have, didn't truly care about me.

I stepped out of the car and was greeted by a hot sticky air. I followed Vee into a tall gray building that had floor to ceiling windows that were shaded by dark curtains. The interior matched the outside, having all grey and black furniture. We made our way to the elevator in the far right corner, inside Vee pressed the 9 button and we arrived at the floor within a few seconds.

The floor had doors lining each side and one single door at the very end of the hallway. Vee and I walked to the far door at the other end, as she unlocked the door I could hear shouting coming from one of the doors.

I quickly followed Vee into the room and shut the door behind me. Inside a middle aged man had his back turned to us and whipped around as soon as Vee stepped closer.

"Vee!" He said running toward her and kissing the top of her head. She giggled sillily as he spun her around. This was true love and probably the closest I would get he experience the whole thing. I took a step back, not wanting to interfere with their reunion.

"Hi, you must be Macey, I'm Charles." He stuck his hand out to be shaken. He had black glasses that sat on his nose and dark black hair that matched them.

"Hi," I said looking behind him at a huge device that sat in the table.

"Oh, that is the lie detector. I promise it's not as bad as it looks. And as soon as Jason shows up we can begin." I walked over and sat in the chair next to the machine. The machine was white and read and had a paper feed on one end and wires at the other.

I turned my attention to the door as Jason slid in, softly shutting it behind him without making any noises. He greeted Charles as if the were brothers and then turned his attention to me.

"Ready to get this done with?" He said with his lopsided smirk.


Hey, I hope you all had good holidays! I hope you all have a great new year too!!!

I hope you all liked this chapter if you did please vote, comment, and share and thoughts with me.

If you have any ideas/ questions you would like Macey to be asked in the interrogation, please comment them here or message me with them.

Love you guys ❤️,
~Darcy <3


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