Chapter ∞Twenty∞

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I was alone again, this time for real. There were no guards in the hallway due to their current condition of death. Noah had left with Jason and Charles to go find Harper. She was human, a human that Noah believed they could trust. I was locked in this cell, a cage that allowed no werewolves to enter. That's why they need Harper, for me.

I'm shocked that they cared enough to rescue me. I found it weird though that they had found me so easily and didn't find Noah. Probably because they thought he was dead. I'm scared to turn into a werewolf. The only wolf I had any encounter with was Jason, and he has been having struggles controlling it for a long time. I know that I won't be able to handle it.

"Hello Macey," I heard a voice say. I stood up and walked over to the cell bars. I looked down both sides of the hallway and saw nothing, just a vast emptiness. It wasn't Vee, I knew that, she was in the stairwell keeping watch.

"We haven't been able to officially meet, my name is Lyn Castiglioni. Because of your short stay we haven't been able to meet, but in time, we will. We are aware of the break-in and are allowing it to happen under our watch," she paused, "We are running a new test that deals with the making of a new type of werewolf."

"You will be one of the first to have this operation done. We have some things... that need to be accomplished first. The type of training we just can't give at our institute. We are letting you go to train with Jason and Vee for 5 months."

"Don't think we are letting you blab to them though. You may know that by now Noah and Harper have been also released. If you tell anyone, Jason included, Harper and Noah will be terminated when a deathly chemical is released in their blood stream. There are your rules. We will be in touch. See you in five months." The line was cut.

What was I supposed to do now. I needed to tell Jason and I couldn't. I couldn't be the one responsible for Noah and Harper's death. That would kill Jason, he just got his brother back. He wouldn't want to loose him.

"She's down this hall," I heard Noah's voice coming from the opposite end of the hall that I was on.

"I swear to-" Jason said, I could hear his anger from where I was, but there was also worry in his voice.

"Dude chill, she's here. I promise." Noah replied. I saw Jason run up to the gate with a sad sparkle in his eyes.

"I'm here. We're going to get you out now." His eyes trailed up and down my body. Looking for any scratches. His eyes stopped at my forearm, were the bite was. I saw his jaw clench, and his eyes meet mine again. His eyes were dark and held an emotion I couldn't understand.

"Here. I have the keys." A quiet voice said coming around Jason's body and now stood in front of the cell. She was petite and had matted dark blonde hair. She looked tired, like she hadn't slept or eaten in a long time.

She pulled a silver key out from her back pocket and unlocked the cell door. I hesitated before I walked out, my legs shaking because I was so nervous. The feeling of butterflies was back in my stomach as I stepped out of the cell and came face to face with Jason.

"I..." Jason began to say as I stared at him through my eyelashes. I hadn't forgotten what he had done to me, left me alone without saying he was going to spend his life with someone else. I looked down at my bare feet, which were black due to the floor of the cell. My clothes were dirty and my hair was in a messy braid that ran down my back.

"I've missed you." He finally finished with a sigh. I had almost forgotten he was talking with the long break he had left. I nodded slowly, knowing if I was going to speak, my voice would break.

"Time to go guys." Vee said pecking her head into the hallway. She smiled when she saw me and gave a little wave.

At least I had Vee, as they say, Bows Before Bros.


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Love Always,
Darcy <3

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