Chapter 3

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No one has read this so far oh well. (UPDATE: I SEE YALLS COMMENTS OMFG TYSM 😭😭

I groan as I sit up in my bed. Staring at the clock, my eyes widened and I hurriedly got ready for school.
"Oh no!" I shouted buttoning my shirt and putting on the school's blazer.
My parents were going to kill me and I was going to be late!! Why didn't the alarm go off?

"Mom!Dad!Wake up! You're going to be late for work!" I burst into their room shouting. They both groaned and realized what time it was.
"Urgh, YOU IDIOT Y/N WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE US UP?!" My mom shouted getting out of bed.

"I-I'm sorry I forgot to set the alarm," I said.
"Agh! What kind of daughter are you? Go make our breakfast now!" my dad scolded me and hit my head. I ran out of the room and downstairs, ignoring the pain in my head.

After making their breakfast I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out of the house before they hit me again.

My feet were burning by the time I reached the top and I felt like I was going to collapse right there.

I walked into the classroom panting heavily. "Y/N-San you're late!" Koro-sensei's face turned red.

"S-Sorry," I said for the second time since I woke up 15 minutes ago.
"Humph. I thought my classes were fun, why would Karma skip again.." Koro-Sensei pouted checking off the attendance list.

As soon as Koro-Sensei said that Karma walked in as if nothing happened. "Karma-kun!!!!"Koro-sensei's face turned red with anger again.

During Home EC Koro Sensei put me in a group of 5, with Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, and Karma.
Koro-Sensei taught us about making a cake during Home EC and told everyone to make a cake with our groups.

"You guys better finish baking it before class ends!! We'll work on decorating it tomorrow." Koro-Sensei warned." This is a very easy thing to accomplish so no one should be lagging behind!" He warned again. " You guys better be done by th- "

"We get it!" The class erupted annoyed.
Karma sighed and leaned back in a chair with a bored expression.

I read the recipe that Korosensei gave us and started cracking a few eggs and mixing them together with flour and sugar.
"Y/N-chan, you know how to bake?" Kayano asked.
"I have some experience." I smiled at her.
"That's impressive!" She said as she watched me pour the cake batter into a pan.

"Okay! we're done," I said placing the pan in the oven and turning it on to whatever degrees it had to be.

"Ah! Already?" Sugino said surprised.
"Sorry, Y/N-chan..for making you do all the work.."Nagisa apologized with a small smile.
"It's fine. It wasn't too hard anyway." I said smiling nervously. I looked around the classroom, seeing people getting work done, and some trying to stab Koro-Sensei with a knife.
Koro-Sensei soon walked over to our table."Done already?"

We nodded. "No, you're not!!!! Start the frosting!!" He said angrily.
"I'm starting to think he just wants to eat cake.." I said after he left.

"Me too.." Nagisa said rubbing the back of his neck.

All classes soon ended and as I was walking down the mountain with Kayano, Asano called my phone again.

"Ah, you go ahead. I need to answer this." I said with a smile. She nodded and walked down without me.

"I don't have any information for you Asano-kun.." I said after answering the phone.

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