Chapter 23

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I'm thinking about ending this book in like one more chapter :)


"Uh..Where are you meeting him?" I cleared my throat as it grew dry.

"I'm going to try his dorm." Aki replied." He hasn't replied to any of my texts or answered my calls.."
She played with the hairband around her wrist.

"...You must be worried then.." I smiled nervously and she nodded.
"I am..He talks to his friends but not me. I wonder if he's mad at me.. I stayed up all night, trying to think of what I did wrong that made Karma avoid me.." Aki sighed. I could see dark bags under her eyes.

So Karma didn't tell her about anything.

I didn't know what to say. I felt so guilty. Aki is here thinking its her fault that Karma was acting like this. She's worrying about him and I could tell she really cares about him.

"You're close to Karma right? Do you know anything?" She asked.
"Um..He..hasn't been talking to me either.. But I'm sure it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."

She smiled." Would you like to go see him with me?"
I widened my eyes. "Um.. What ?"
"Maybe he'll talk if you're there." Aki grabbed both my hands, and gave a pleading expression.

" I-I have to go to the convenience roommate is waiting for me."
"It's fine. You can go later. Please??" She placed her hands together.

I ended up going with her. Why couldn't I say no?

Aki smiled at me then knocked on the door in front of us. We nervously waited for what seemed like eternity until the door finally opened, revealing Karma with tousled hair. He stared at us for a good minute before clearing his throat and asking,"H-Hey. What are you two doing here?"

"Can we talk?" Aki asked. Karma hesitated, then opened the door wider for us to step in.

We sat down at the coffee table and looked at our laps awkwardly.

"Did something happen Karma?" Aki spoke up.
"D-Did I do anything wrong?" She hugged her arms, trying to meet his eyes.
"Of course not-"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not.." He shrugged.
"Then why aren't you replying to my messages?"
Karma stayed silent. He felt guilty as well.

I sat there quietly, obviously not a part of the conversation. I badly wanted to walk away and just go get my food but it felt rude.

"Karma.." Aki sighed shakily." What's going on? Please don't hide anything from me. You know I hate that. You can tell me anything. I won't mind. As long as you're honest I-"

"I did something bad." Karma interrupted, finally looking up. Aki closed her mouth and leaned back on the couch, waiting for him to confess.

I gave him a questioning look and we seemed to be communicating with our eyes.

Are you going to tell her?
If you want.
If you don't tell her I will myself.
Are you sure?
Yes I'm sure. Tell her now.
Alright. He nodded at me and I nodded back.

"I'm sorry Aki." Karma hesitated, and curled his hands into a fist tightly.

"I kissed someone. And that person is in this room...right now. "
Aki nervously turned to face me, her brows furrowed. She then looked around the room, as if there would be someone else besides me.

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