Chapter 16

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Again,sorry for the late update ^^;

"Ugghhhh..." I groaned and rested my head on the desk.
The class was studying in the classroom,with Koro-sensei teaching each student different things at the same time.

"Y/N-san!Put your head up! We're not done studying yet!!" Koro-sensei lectured,his figure blinking a few hundred times a second.

His voice was heard all over the classroom,multiple things said simultaneously. I was kind of tired of hearing his voice everywhere.

"Karma!!Don't slack off!!" I heard Koro-sensei yell and look over at Karma,who was asleep with his book on his face. "Hey!!Karma!!"
"This is boring." Karma sighed loudly."I don't need to study,and I'm gonna be at the top anyways."
(lol if you watch Koro-Q)

"Koro-sensei I wanna study by myself."I said and stood up from my seat.
"Y-Y/N-san?!Am I not teaching you well??" Koro-sensei panicked with a heartbroken voice.

"It's too noisy here.." I gathered my books and walked out of the classroom.
I sat down in the shade against a tree and looked at a textbook on my lap.

There was a loud rustle of the leaves behind me but when I turned around the noise stopped.
I decided to leave it alone and went back to studying myself.
A paper airplane suddenly poked my head,then fell onto my lap.
"What's this?" I unfolded the paper and there was a letter written in some fancy writing that looked like cursive in English.

Beware of assassins

As I came to understand the English writing I started to wonder who it was from.
My name isn't Renuard?
My eyes began to close and I fell asleep as I thought more about the letter.
I dreamed that I was at some house.
It was spacious but comforting,and I was with two people.
Their faces were shadowed,but I could tell they were in their mid 30s.
Were they my parents?
We were all laughing happily,enjoying a nice dinner.
"How was your day,Y/N?"

"Are you doing okay in school?"
"Y/N! go to bed early ok?"

"You need plenty of rest for school."

"You should always eat proper meals,Y/N."

"We want you to stay healthy."

...They're caring for me.





I awoke to the sound of Karma calling my name.

I see him sigh as I rub my eyes.
Karma put his hand on the side of my head,and used his thumb to wipe off something on my cheek.

My cheeks suddenly felt cold and dry,as if I was crying.I touched my face and felt the tears that are almost dried.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"I-I don't know.." I stuttered and looked down at the books I had been studying.
"And what's this?" Karma grabbed the folded paper that contained the letter and stared at it for a while.

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