Chapter 5

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"Good Morning,Class!" Koro-Sensei said cheerfully as he slid his way into the classroom.
"As you all may know we are having a trip to Kyoto soon. I will now be passing out the permission slips. Take one and pass it back please." The permission slips were passed around the class.

I received one and stared at it worried.
My parents wouldn't let me go on an overnight trip..

"Please return it signed before next Friday!"Koro-Sensei informed.

"Ok!" The class said.

I could fake their signature...

but they will notice I am gone..

Maybe I can run away from home...

But where will I live?!    ('Д' )

I was deep in thought until Koro-sensei's loud voice bellowed my name.

"Y/N-San!! We are starting class now!" Koro-Sensei said standing by my desk,his face suddenly turned red.

"Ah!Sorry.." I said taking out the lesson book.

During lunch Kayano invited me to eat with her Nagisa and Karma.
"We'll have to be in groups of 6 for the trip Koro-Sensei said." Kayano said munching on a rice ball.  Nagisa nodded." The 4 of us can be in a group, and we'll find two other people."
I ate my bento quietly as I listened to their conversation.

"Maybe Okuda-San can join." Karma suggested. Kayano and Nagisa both agreed.
I don't think I would be able to go on the trip.. I have to tell them.. To pick someone else to be in their group.
"Huh?" I looked up from my lunch box my mouth full.

"We asked if you would mind if Okuda-San joined our group." Nagisa said.
"Sorry."I swallowed the food in my mouth and took a sip of strawberry milk.
"So?" Kayano said.
"Huh?Oh! N-No I wouldn't mind."I answered.

I felt Karma's eyes on me and it made me uncomfortable.
"W-What is it?" I turned my head to face Karma.
"Ah,Nothing it's just there's a ladybug on your arm."Karma said making me turn pale.
I glanced at the ladybug and screamed turning my head away.
"Y/N-chan you're afraid of bugs?" Kayano asked. I nodded shutting my eyes tightly as Karma picked the ladybug up with two fingers.

"Eh?I didn't know that~" he smirked as I opened my eyes and backed up. He brought the bug closer to my face and I screamed again.
"Ahh!! Get it away from me!" I shouted grabbing Karma's wrist.
When he didn't I screamed again."KARMA!!" I whined.

"T-That's enough Karma-kun, haha.."Nagisa laughed nervously.

"Yeah, you don't want to scare Y/N-chan too much.." Kayano agreed. He finally let go of the ladybug and I sighed in relief.

We went back to talking about the trip,and we decided on asking Manami and Sugino.
"U-Um..Guys..I actually can't really..go on the trip.."I said bringing their attention to me.

"Eh?Why~?" Karma said pretending not to know. I didn't know why he was pretending but I ignored it.

"My parents are very strict so I doubt they would let me go..especially since I'm now in E Class." I said.
"I'm sure they will. It's a trip."Kayano said.
"But you don't know how strict they are." I said.
"Why don't you tell us,Y/N-chan." Karma said still pretending.
"Ok."I replied.
"That was fast." Karma sighed.

I told them about my parents and how they treated me. I never really told anyone,because I wasn't allowed to and never really trusted people back then.
But I felt like I could trust Class E.
"Eh..That's so horrible.." Kayano said wiping a tear away.
"W-Was it that sad?" I said nervously.
"S-Sorry Y/N-chan..We didn't know." Nagisa apologized which made me confused.
"It's okay there was no way you could've known unless I told you..anyway."

I glanced at Kayano."What?"
"Did you ever think of running away from home?" She asked.

What home?

"I did think about running away from where I lived."
"Ah.." she glanced at me nervously.
"Then why don't you run away?" Karma suggested. He was laying down on the grass,his arms behind his head.
"B-But where will I run away too?I don't have any family members I know." I said.

"That's right.." Nagisa agreed."My mother wouldn't let a girl stay at our house."
Kayano nodded then glanced at Karma who had his eyes closed.
"And we absolutely cannot let you stay at Karma's house." Kayano stated.
"Huh? Why not~?" Karma said as he got up from his position.
"Because Y/N will be in danger alone with you." Nagisa said obviously.
"What do you mean?Is there something wrong with his house?" I asked tilting my head.

"N-No it's just Karma.."

"I don't understand.." I said.

"H-He might do..things.." Kayano tried to explain. I still didn't get what they were trying to say. Kayano and Nagisa both sighed.

"Guys Y/N-chan doesn't really know these phrases so you have to be straightforward about it." Karma said sitting up.

Karma smirked."Since we've been talking about this for so long doesn't that mean Y/N-chan wants to live with me?"
"I don't hate the idea." I said.
"See? Lets just let her do what she wants~"
Kayano and Nagisa sighed again.

"Then I can live with Karma-kun?" I said leaning forward.
"If you want to it's alright." Karma answered.
"Yay! Thank you Karma-kun!" I said jumping up and hugging him. Kayano and Nagisa stared wide eyed. Karma's face was a slight red.

"Wait what about your parents?" I said pulling away.

"A-Ah my parents they're always out traveling around the world so they're never home." he said.
Soon the bell rang meaning lunch period was over. We headed back to class after cleaning up our lunch.

My recent emojis cuz I have nothing to say to no one.

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