Chapter 18

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Ok I'm gonna skip all the way to the trip part..

Thank you all so much for the support, I really appreciate it!

Class E arrived at the island resort and they were all excited to have their hard earned vacation.

They all sat down at tables placed outside the luxurious building, where a waiter served them all drinks.

Y/N headed to her room as soon as they got off the boat. She was a little sea sick so she fell asleep after plopping down on the bouncy bed.

She shared a room with Kayano, who burst in a couple hours after she had fallen asleep.

"Hey! Y/N-Chan! Don't tell me you're gonna sleep the whole vacation!" Kayano pulled Y/N's arms and tried to lift her up."Y/N!!! Its dinner time!! Wake up!"

Y/N groaned and shifted a little as she slowly opened her eyes.


Y/N and Kayano walked towards the dining table where Karma and Nagisa sat.

The dining room had several tables where Class E were divided into different groups to sit with.

After dinner they all got ready to carry out their assassination plan.

Though everyone was confident their plan would work Koro sensei found a way to save himself as always. He was now unable to move on his own and trapped in a crystal ball for 24 hours.



We all went back to the hotel and sat down at the tables outside, exhausted and disappointed.

I went to sit down on the sand away from everyone else and listened to the waves sweeping up the shore. Karma quietly sat down beside me, and his arm stayed lightly pressed against mine.

It was quiet and peaceful and the night sky was filled with stars. We both kept silent and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean which we rarely got to hear.

"Hey Y/N?" He suddenly spoke.

"Yeah?" I turned my head to face him. He turned to look at me too and my chest rose after realizing how close our faces were to one another.

I stared into those moonlit eyes of his for a while, unsure of what to do. My heart was pounding and I was holding my breath, not knowing what for.

We had never had a moment like this before.

I stared down at his lips that slowly inched closer, and closed my eyes, waiting for what was to happen. A kiss? A prank? My heartbeat raced, I had no idea what to do.

Was this finally going to happen? I felt like everything was leading up to this right here.

Alas, we were suddenly startled by a loud chatter coming from Class E over at the lobby.

I quickly turned my head and widened my eyes at the sight of a few classmates fainting and some looking blue and sick.

"What's happening?" I ran towards them worriedly. My face was still flushed but there was no time to process that.

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