Chapter 4

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When we reached my house Karma carried me up to my room and put me down on my bed.

"Why did Asano Gakushu confess to you?" He scoffed. I shrugged. "He's the only one I've really talked to in A Class."

"Do you like him back?" Karma asked.

"I don't know. He's mean to me. So I think I don't like him." I said. Karma stayed silent for a while, staring at me.

"...What?" I looked up at him confused. "Why are you staring at me like that..."

"...What about me~?" He said after a pause. Karma hovered over me, pinning me against the bed. He leaned in towards my face with that sly smirk of his. He was so close.

"Do you like me back?" He smiled.

I turned away. This was weird. Why was he on top of me ಠ_ಠ

"What are you talking didn't confess to me." I said bluntly. Karma sighed, as if there was an irk mark on his head.

"How are you so unfazed..."

"I'm confused." I said staring up at him.

"I could kiss you right now and you'd be unbothered huh," He said.

I shook my head, "What's the big deal with kissing..."

"How can you be so dense?" He sighed again and got off on top of me. I sat up on my bed.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm adopted. I'm not sure what other kids with normal parents do, but my foster parents never really let me do anything. I couldn't go on school trips. Or have friends over, or hangout with people after school. I don't know much about kissing and liking people and stuff."

"They have me do everything for them." I sighed and bit my lip, wondering why I was telling him this.

"Your bruises are..."

"Yeah." I nodded. "They're from my parents hitting me every time I make a mistake or even when they feel like it. I'm trying my best to be perfect for them." I tried to hold back my tears. "But it's impossible..."

Karma stared, watching me as the tears spilled out of my eyes.

"I try my best, all the time, and..and all I get is nothing back. My hard work always goes to waste and sometimes I just wonder why I'm even alive when everything I do is never worth it in the end.."

I felt Karma's hand on my head. I wiped my tears away and looked at him. "Thank you. I'm sorry I went on and whined about my misery in front of you.."

"Don't think I'm a nice gentleman, because I'm not. I'm a boy who likes pissing people off." He smiled as his hands ruffled through the hair on my head and tangling it.

"You don't piss me off though," I said confused. He sighed. "Thats because you're hard to annoy...You take everything seriously, I've never even seen you flustered."


"Don't apologize for that!" He rolled his eyes.

Suddenly we heard keys jingle outside and I turned to Karma.

Why were they home so early?
I quickly stood up.

"G-Go in the closet, quick!" I said opening my closet door. "Fine." I nudged him into my closet and I took out my textbooks and pretended I had been doing homework.

"Y/N??" I heard my mother shout.
"Yes?" I answered. She came into my room with a scary look in her eyes.

"Why are you doing your homework!? What's the point, you're in that crappy E Class. Go and buy groceries!" She scolded.

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