Chapter 14

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Omg 1k+ VIeWs i didn't even notice wtttt
Thanks YoU All FoR rEadIng even though I Update so rarely ^^;


"Who knows~?" I didn't want to answer, he wouldn't understand anyway.

A few days ago Okuda decided we stop seeing each other, but I wasn't that heartbroken.

"I don't think things will go well between us..." She had said teary-eyed. "You have to take care of Y/N and all that.."

"You don't have any time for me..." She had said with a sad smile on her face.

I had spent every day at the hospital with Y/N, because I was worried about her. I haven't been talking to Okuda as often, and she must've been upset because of that...

"I'm such a jerk.." I muttered out loud.

"What did you say?" Maehara asked, stopping whatever he was saying.



I was at the library, studying to keep my mind off of things. Koro-sensei gave me tons of worksheets of everything I missed out on since exams were coming up.

"Hey, Y/N-chan!" A voice said from behind.
I turned around to see Asano with his affable smile.

"It's been a while, Asano-kun!" I smiled back as he sat down next to me.

"Studying for exams already?" He asked.

I nodded."I missed out on quite a lot of lessons.."

"Oh? Where have you been?" He asked.
"Ah..Um...the hospital," I said sheepishly. His eyes widened. "I-I don't have a disease or anything contagious so you're not gonna get sick around me or anything..!"

He chuckled."It's not that.I was just worried. What got you into the hospital?"

I thought for a while, making up a believable lie.

"I..tripped on my way down the mountain and...I got hurt..a lot.."

"Really?" He frowned." I should tell the principal to do something about that path... I always thought it was way too dangerous..after all it's not like we're in military camp or something-"

"N-No!You don't really need to or anything.."
I would feel an incredible amount of guilt if he went out of his way to talk to his father when I was only lying.

"Are you sure? You were gone for a pretty long time."
I nodded.
"Ok then."
We stopped talking about me, and he helped me study.


I stretched in my seat and yawned.
The sun was already starting to set, and I was still at the library. Asano left before, and only a few people were still here.

I packed up and decided to go home.To my surprise, Karma was standing outside waiting.

"U-Um...What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Aren't you worried?"
"About what?"
"Getting attacked again."
"O-oh.." How could I have forgotten?
The walk home was very awkward, as always.
My heart rose as the same feeling overcame me once again, that feeling of someone following you. Looking behind me, of course, there was no one. I caught up with Karma who was way ahead and began to walk faster.

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