Chapter 20

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hey y'all •v• I'm editing this book so the comments might be a bit messed up lol sorry


" Wendy!! Wait for me!" I shouted, struggling with my suitcase and bags.

"Y/N hurry up!! I want to go shopping and try all the foods here in Japan!" She shouted excitedly while gesturing me to hurry.

"Can you at least help me with my things?" I stopped to catch my breath." Half of these things are yours you know.."

Wendy rushed over to grab the heavy backpack, slipping her arms through the straps and grabbed onto her suitcase. "Let's hurry and find the guy who'll bring us to our new home."

"Ok." I let out a breath and we looked for our names in the sea of signs at the airport.

"Wendy!" I pointed towards a man holding up a sign reading,'Y/N & Wendy.'

We hurriedly rushed towards the person who greeted us and led us outside the crowded airport. 

As I stepped out I took a look at my surroundings. It was Japan. And I'm finally back after five years.

Everyone must be either working or in college now.

We entered a black car and the man who was a close friend of my parents drove us to our destination.

I looked out the window as our surroundings blurred by. This all felt so nostalgic.

I wonder how everyone is doing. Is Karma still living in that house? Did he forget about me?

I hope not because I didn't.

I spent the past five years in Korea, with my parents and Wendy who was my cousin. I enjoyed Korea and I didn't have to worry about anything since my parents handled every problem for me. You could say my parents spoiled me while I was with them.

Now I was in Japan, to go to college and get a good job. And to see my old friends again. I couldn't stay with my parents my whole life.

"Ooh!! Y/N, we're here." Wendy said and got out of the car, admiring the building before us.Wendy loved Japan and this was her first time being here.

I got out as well, and took our belongings out of the car trunk.

We were in a quiet neighborhood.

The house wasn't big like Karma's but it was enough for the two of us. There was a gate circling the house and through that there were a couple steps leading towards the front door.

We brought everything inside and threw everything onto the wooden floor.

"Is this all ours?" I asked the man admiring the huge empty space on the first floor.

I wonder how big the second floor is.

"Yes ma'am. Here's the keys." He handed me two pairs of keys,one for me and one for Wendy."I'll be checking up on you every two months,to make sure you guys are okay."

"Thank you so much." I bowed politely and he did so as well. After that he left.

"Y/N, let's hurry we have so many things to do!!" Wendy urged and grabbed her suitcase and her things, dragging them up the flight of stairs.

"Wendy be careful!" I followed behind with my things.

We decided our rooms which were right across from each other and unpacked a few things.

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