Chapter 15

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Um I'm not dead I.. just never really find the right time to update..
I'm uploading whenever I feel like it cause sometimes I don't have much inspiration. This book is all messed up to me haha..I'll try my best to make it better :)
Thanks for 100 followers!! 🎉🎉


"Eh? Leaving already?" I questioned Karma's parents. I had just finished breakfast and cleaned up. They were dressed at the door with their suitcases and smiling.

"We need to get back to work. Sorry, Y/N-chan." His mother said, gently pulling my hair back behind my ears.

"We wish we could spend more time together but we still have lots of work to do somewhere else.." She gave me a warm hug and smiled kindly. His dad walked over and placed a hand on my head, also smiling.

"Take care of Karma will you?"
I nodded and smiled back, and waved goodbye as they got into the car and drove off.
Right after, Karma came downstairs, finally awake."Y/N, they left?"
"Y-Yeah." I turned to look at him. "There's breakfast left in the finish it all ok?"
He nodded and I went upstairs to my room.
The next day the whole class was following Koro-sensei through the humid woods, wandering for quite a while.

"Koro-sensei, where are we going?" Maehara sighed.
"It's so hot!" Yada complained.
"We're almost there~," Koro-sensei said and stopped in front of a bunch of bushes.  He pushed the tall leaves aside and cool air suddenly rushed out.
"A-Amazing!" The whole class gasped in amazement. There was a gigantic pool surrounded by piles of rocks. Koro-sensei exclaimed that he made this pool for the class with pride.

Everyone jumped in, laughing happily and playing around.
I was sitting on top of the lifeguard's seat, with Koro-sensei.
"Are you sure you don't want to swim with the others, Y/N-san?" Koro-sensei asked me.
I nodded."I'm..scared of going into the water.."
"You can't swim?"
I nodded again.
"You can still enjoy the pool without swimming though." He said.
"N-No thanks.."I had a lot of traumas, from terrifying memories in the past.

It was silent, as we watched the others playing around. Koro-sensei ate the chocolate wafer that looked like a paddleboard.

"Hey! You two don't hold your breath underwater for so long!!"Koro-sensei suddenly brought the loudspeaker to his face, scolding everyone.

"Don't run around the pool! Hazama-san, don't just sit there in your swimsuit and go play!"
Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Koro-sensei why don't you come to swim with us?" Rio suggested.
"N-No thanks.." He looked away, whistling to himself. "I-Its not like my tentacles will absorb the water and get swollen and I won't be able to move.."
"H-oh?" Karma approached the lifeguard chair and smirked.

"Why don't you two come down here? You're ruining your own fun."

He started shaking the leg of the chair, causing the two of us to panic.
"S-Stop it, Karma!!!" I screamed holding onto the handle as tightly as I can. He laughed demonically and I could practically see the devil's ears on his head.
"S-S-Stop it, Karma-kun we're gonna fall!! we're gonna fall!! Stopp it!!" Koro-sensei's face turned slightly blue, panicking more than me.

Karma only stood there, laughing while continuously shaking the chair.
I grabbed onto the arm of the chair and shut my eyes tight, waiting for Karma to stop shaking the chair.
The shaking stopped and I opened my eyes again, looking down at Karma who was still laughing evilly. I covered my mouth and felt sick.
"If I vomit it's all gonna fall onto you!" I glared, then looked down at the elevation in which I was in. "H-How do I get down.?"

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