Chapter 7

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The rain started pouring down very hard and the thunder grew louder and louder.


A loud crack of thunder was heard and I flinched. I was in my new room about to finish unpacking.
"Whoo." I wiped sweat off my forehead as I sat on the soft bed.
I began to relax, forgetting about the rain and the thunder from my tiredness.

Karma suddenly barged in interrupting my time of peace.
"Karma-kun!" I said a little angry.

"Sorry.Sorry," he said with a smirk. He didn't sound or look sorry at all.

"You should go to sleep."


I switched into my pajamas after Karma left and closed the lights.

I lay in bed, as still as ever.

Another loud crack of thunder was heard and I pulled the blanket over my head. Yes, I was afraid of thunder. It brought back memories. Most of it was bad.


"Go outside,Y/N!"
"M-Mom it's raining really hard though!"
"I don't care go outside! This is what you get for dropping the watermelon!"
"B-But Mom!"
"No BUTS! GET OUTSIDE!" Y/N's mom demanded.

An 8 year old Y/N stood outside in the thunderstorm, curled up against the wall,crying.

Suddenly there was a big clap of thunder, and the tree branch that was above her head broke off.

Y/N stared up in shock. She was scared and was frozen in fear. "AAHHHH!!" She screeched, squeezing her eyes shut. The branch fell on top of her, causing her to pass out. When she woke up the rain had stopped. It was still dark, but she could hear the small chirps of birds, and a ombré blue sky emerging at the horizon. She was still outside, on the wet concrete, heavy tree branch on top of her and holding her down.

Her head felt heavy and she felt very dizzy. Blood trickled past her eyelids and dropped onto the floor.

"" She sobbed.

But no one came to her rescue. Her parents didn't hear her. Her neighbors didn't hear her. She was stuck under a tree branch.

Finally the sun started rising and someone spotted her and had worriedly sent her to the hospital. Her parents found out about it but they didn't seem to care. She slowly healed up in the hospital but there was one scar that was never healed.

End Flashback.

I bit my lip, trying not to cry. After several attempts to fall asleep, I sat up in bed and sighed.

I touched my temple and felt the scar. The scar was usually covered with my hair so no one really noticed it.

Usually I would fall asleep at some point, but not today.

Maybe I could go to Karma's room?

I walked over to his room,which was in front of mine and knocked on the door gently.

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