Chapter 21

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Karma's POV

I glanced at Y/N as Aki held out her hand to shake.

I tried to read her expression but she only looked confused, like always. My mind flashed back to that time where I accidentally flipped through Y/N's notebook, where she wrote my name all over it. A ton of questions flew into my mind, as I stared at her.

Was she hurting?

"O-Oh I'm supposed to shake it?" Y/N laughed after a short silence." Sorry, Nice to meet you, I hope we can be good friends."

Y/N shook her hand and gave a friendly smile.
I mentally face palmed. Of course. She probably moved on, just like me. I have Aki now.

Aki sat down next to me." Let's get to know each other."


I didn't know why my heart sank when she said she was Karma's girlfriend. I was probably tired. I didn't sleep on the plane and I haven't gotten any rest since I got here.

"Let's get to know each other." Aki said sitting beside Karma.

It was quiet while I tried to think of something to talk about. "So..are you guys in college now?"

"Yea. We go to the same college. Thats how we met."Aki held onto Karma's hand." What about you Y/N?"

"Well.. I just came back from Korea after a long time..I'm not sure which college I'm going to be accepted into. My parents are handling that for me." I answered.

"Your parents?" Karma looked surprised.

"Yea. I met my biological parents five years ago. They treat me well." I replied smiling, missing them already.

" that's where you've been..." He said.

"Yeah, that night those assassins brought me to my parents."

"We wanted to look for you, but the government said that you were safe and was going to stay somewhere else. That must've been your parents' doing."

"Really? That's good." I smiled softly. "I was kept at home all the time so my parents could keep me safe...sorry I couldn't contact you guys.." It was kinda awkward. I glanced at Aki who I thought would be left out. She looked confused about what we were talking about.

"Assassins...?"  She queried.

"Uh..nothing." We both said in unison. She only furrowed her eyebrows and looked at us suspiciously. "So what college are you guys going to?" I asked, waving the previous subject away.

"It's pretty far from here. We're going back to the dorms tomorrow." Karma answered.

"Ah. Its spring break." We talked for a while and I got to know Aki better too. She was nice and really pretty, Karma was lucky to have her. I got both of their numbers to keep in touch.

Then I got a call from Wendy, telling me to come home so we could go out for dinner.

"Well I have to go. It was nice talking to you, Aki-ssi I mean Aki-chan!" I laughed and stood up. "Im still getting used to the honorifics.."
She chuckled at my mistake and waved goodbye. "It was nice talking to you too."

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