Chapter 24

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It's been a few months since university started and nothing big happened, except that I finally reunited with some of class e like Nagisa and Rio. I still hadn't confessed to Karma like I said I would. I was too scared. We recently started talking again and it wasn't as awkward anymore. I didn't want to ruin it now.

"Y/N." Karma called as I was about to exit the classroom.
"Do you have time on Saturday?"
"Yea..why?" I tried not to get my hopes up as I played with my fingers nervously.
"Can somewhere? I wanna talk.." He avoided my stare. I raised my eyebrows, confused."Um..sure.."
"Great. I'll text you later." He gave me a small smile. I smiled back and nodded, then he walked away.

My smile fell and I soon headed out of school. I knew it wasn't a date. It can't be a date. We were just going somewhere as friends. I hope Aki wouldn't mind.

A loud chime came from my phone and I took it out of my pocket. It was a text from Nagisa, in our group chat.

"We're having a class reunion on Saturday. 1pm Everyone should come. Let's meet at our old classroom ^^"

I replied with a thumbs up. Right after I sent that I got another text, this time from Karma,
"4pm wait for me at the classroom."



"I'm going Wendy!" I shouted before heading out of the dorm. I headed towards the elevator and found Karma running towards me as the door was closing. I quickly pressed the open button before it closed and Karma ran in, panting.
"Thanks ." He smiled.
I laughed softly. "How's your morning?"
"Alright." Karma answered after he caught his breath.

I found myself staring at him as the elevator closed and started moving. I realized how much he's changed. His usual playful self was gone. He was more serious about everything and wasn't much of a trickster anymore. I studied his features. His jawline was sharper and his hair was styled differently. He indeed looked more handsome and manly. I did however miss his old self a bit. Admittedly, I missed his teasing and constant joking around with me. Would we ever have that again?

I decided that today was the day I told him about my feelings and get it over with, like Asano did.

"Y/N?" He said, snapping me out of my daze. "Yes?" I looked him in the eye and I realized he was staring at me as well.
I knew he knew I was staring at him. I had expected him to tease me about it but he didn't.

" We're getting off." He pointed at the elevator doors that were sliding open.
"Oh. Yea." We both walked out and began our way to the bus stop.

"We have a class reunion every year. Isogai and Nagisa always plan it." Karma spoke on the bus. "Class reunion sounds so cheesy." He scoffed.
"It does." I laugh.
"We don't really do anything though, just clean the classroom and pick up garbage or whatever."
"Huh. Today's the day we met Koro-sensei right?" I asked to make sure.
"Yea. It's also the day he passed away."
"That's a lot in one day." I tried to dismiss the thinking of him being gone. I didn't get to spend much time with him and the class. It must've been fun while I was gone.

I suddenly felt something brush against my hand that was resting between me and Karma's seats. My cheeks grew red when I noticed his hands grazing against mine. "Sorry." I mumbled, quickly retrieving my hand onto my lap.

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