Chapter 22

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^^^ that used to be my shit last year I watched that like every day lol

Karma's POV

I kissed her.

What was I thinking?

I glanced at Y/N and quickly looked away when she stared back. The walk back was an awkward disaster.

I messed up. I don't think Y/N will want to talk to me ever again. I'm a horrible person. I have a girlfriend. I shouldn't have done that.
Fuck just kill me please. I sobbed in my head.

She stopped in front of her house and turned to me hesitantly.

"T-Thanks for taking me out today." Y/N bowed then smiled nervously.
"Y-Yeah.." I said, failing at trying to sound cheerful.
"Alright, uh..then..good bye.." She said waving.
I nodded and waved before she ran into her house, shutting the door close quickly.

I stared at the door for a while, dazed and lost. It's probably a good time to go home now.


My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt horrible. That was my first kiss. I can't believe my first kiss would turn out to be an act of cheating. The scene kept replaying in my head, I couldn't forget about it.

"I'm sorry." Karma pressed his lips against mine, his hand on the back of my head. I was taken aback, and I froze, not knowing what to do. My mind was blank for a few seconds before I pursed my lips and quickly inched away from him.

Karma looked at me with a hurt expression.
"W-Why did you do that?" I stuttered and looked away. Looking at his expression made my heart rise with guilt.

"...I don't know." He bit his bottom lip, and looked down, to hide his eyes under his red bangs. "We should go.." I said quietly. My legs shakily rose and I stumbled a bit over the rough rocky path. Karma quickly grabbed my hand to prevent me from falling, and I was taken aback.

I immediately pulled my hand away and stepped back, startled at what I just did. Was I being too mean? Karma let his arm fall back to his sides and stood there. "My bad."

I was scared. Everything felt like it was crashing down on me. At that moment all the memories and bonds I had made with Karma ceased to exist, as if he was a mere stranger.

I then pursed my lips and turned, beginning to walk down the path as he trailed behind me with his hands in his pockets.

"Y/N? How was the date?" Wendy asked coming out from the kitchen wearing a stained apron.

"It was..alright. We went to visit our old classroom." I replied quickly, slipping off my shoes. I kept my head down as I headed up the stairs.

"Hey are you okay?" She said, stopping me in my tracks. I nervously turned to face her, showing my flushed face.
"I..think I have a fever." I answered.

Wendy reached for my forehead, placing her palm on it."It doesn't seem like it..the red is starting to fade."

There was silence. "Ooh you were blushing!?" Her eyes sparkled.

I hesitated. I always told Wendy everything and I never hid any secrets from her, but now I wasn't comfortable.

I thought about the pros and cons and finally decided to speak.

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