Chapter 12

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The rain started falling, and the rumbles of thunder were heard loudly.
W-What? Was happening?
My heart beat faster and faster. What do I do? What do I do?

I passed out wondering, It hurts. Did I just..die?

Karma's POV

I was talking with Manami when Kayano called my phone all of a sudden.
"Karma, did Y/N leave the house?" Kayano asked urgently.
"Yeah. Why?" I started to worry but stayed calm.

"She hasn't been replying to my messages or phone calls. She was going to come to my house right? It's been an hour! My house isn't that far from yours. Where could she be? Maybe it's because of the rain?" Kayano started panicking and blurting out a bunch of things.

I widened my eyes. Rain. It was raining right now. There was thunder. Y/N was scared of thunder.

"Kayano...Calm down. I'll find her."

This is all my fault...

"I'll help look too!" Kayano said and we hung up.

If only I had gone with her...I knew it was going to rain and yet...

"W-What's wrong, Karma-kun?" Manami asked with a worried expression.
"Y/N is missing."
"E-Eh?!" She stood up. "Then we have to find her!"
I placed my hand on her shoulder and pushed her back onto the chair.
"No, it's not safe. Stay here, Okuda-san. I'll find her."
She hesitantly nodded worriedly.

"I'll update you later." I grabbed a jacket and headed outside quickly with an umbrella and tried calling Y/N's phone. "Damn it." She didn't answer, and I started to search the neighborhood.
I got a call from Kayano, and I told her to meet up.
"K-Karma-kun maybe we should split up.."
"No...Its too dark, its better to look together."

She nodded and we started searching again, calling her name frantically over the loud thunder and rain.

"Fuck." I cursed and gritted my teeth.

Where the hell could she be? Is she hiding somewhere? Did she get lost?

I was about to run past a dark narrow sidewalk when I saw something dark on the ground in front of it.
Although it was dark, I could still see the blood swirling around in the puddles with the rain that was pouring down.

Ahead I saw a dark figure lying on the ground.
"Kayano! Over here!!" I shouted and ran towards the figure with Kayano running behind.
My eyes widened as I got closer, my heart pounding and desperately hoping that what I was seeing was not what I thought it was.

"Y/N-" I grabbed her cold and pale body which was drenched in blood and grimaced. I noticed a huge stab wound under her rib cage.

Oh my god.

"That's...Y/N-chan?" Kayano stared in horror. "H-How did this happen?" 

Who would've thought Y/N would be attacked? Who the fuck hurt her like this? Why? What were the chances of this happening?

I shakily took my sweater off and wrapped it tightly around her and held her close. "Let's get her to the hospital first.."

Kayano nodded. "I already called Koro-sensei, he should be here any sec-"

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