Chapter 13

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When I woke up again it was probably afternoon, around the time school was over.

Will Karma visit me? Or will he just go home with Okuda?  I wondered.

I sat up wincing and realized the breakfast was gone, and there was a cup of water on the table.
"Y/N-san you have visitors.." The nurse came in.

She had a tray of food with her and she placed it down on the table in front of me. I still didn't have much of an appetite.
"Is there something wrong?" The nurse asked.
"N-Nothing." I shook my head.
"Y/N-san are you going to eat this time?" I shrugged not saying anything.
It was silent for a while and I decided to speak up.
"Who came to visit me?"
"Ah...Karma...-kun...was it?" She said touching her chin.
My heart rose, feeling a little happy.
"And a cute girl, Manami.." the nurse finished."They really look good together.."
I sighed as the nurse spoke on about the two.


"Ah, Hold on I'll bring them in right now." She walked out of the room and came back with Karma and Manami.
"Make sure to eat properly, Y/N-san!" The nurse then left, leaving me with the oh so cute couple.
"How are you feeling Y/N-chan?" Karma asked sitting beside me.
"I'm fine," I answered.
"What about your injuries?"
"They'll heal."
"Are you eating well?"
"Uh..yea! Something like that..." I said faking a smile.
"...Really?" He looked straight into my eyes making me feel uncomfortable.
"Karma-kun don't make Y/N-chan uncomfortable.." She laughed sitting down next to him.

I've never seen Karma like this before. Was he always such a worrywart?

Okuda and Karma told me about Itona, a boy who claimed to be Koro-sensei's brother and they had a match, with Koro-sensei as the winner.

We sat there and talked about what was happening in class and stuff until a whoosh came in through the window, and Koro-sensei appeared.
"Koro-sensei! Hello.." I greeted.
"How are you feeling Y/N-san?" He asked with his usual wide smile.
"I'm fine."
"May I ask a few questions?" He asked again.
I nodded. "Alright."
"So...Can you describe the person who attacked you?"
"Um...There's nothing much to describe...The person was dressed in black, and a black scarf was covering his face.."
"What did he attack you with?"
"Probably knives..."
"I see.." Koro-sensei nodded, jotting down a few things.
"How did he attack you?"
"Um...He was really fast; my eyes couldn't even follow him.."
"What are you trying to do with the information?"I asked.
"Nurufufufufu I can't just let someone who hurt my student get away with it."
I smiled, not knowing why I was so happy even with this excruciating pain.

Maybe it was because people were actually caring for me?

Koro-sensei and Okuda left after a while, leaving me alone with Karma.
"Y/N, I'm sorry...I should've gone with you to Kayano's house.." He apologized again looking away.
"It's not your fault...Who would've thought I would be attacked, of all things?" I touched his hand. He looked up, sighing and I smiled at him.

"You should eat. Your wounds might heal faster."
"I know." I stared at the food once again.

"K-Karma-kun. You can leave..before it gets dark." I said.

He nodded. "Okay. Get well soon, Y/N.-chan," he said before leaving.
I stared sheepishly at my feet after he left.

That was so awkward!!

I finished the food and slowly laid down in bed. My butt hurt from sitting for so long..

Karma's POV
I left Y/N's room and sighed.
Why was it so awkward? Because she has feelings for me?
She stopped calling me Karma too.
It was back to when we first met.


We never really talked about honorifics, we just started dropping it one day, but now..she just calls me Karma-kun.
Why did it hurt so much?
It wasn't just the honorifics.
Ever since...Okuda confessed Y/N has started to avoid me..she didn't talk as much. She didn't ask as many questions, she never needs my help anymore...
It was annoying before, but now I missed that curious innocent side of her.
As I was walking home I felt that same presence following me again.

Who? The one who attacked Y/N?
I took out a small mirror and looked at the reflection. I predicted someone would be following me. Looking at the mirror I saw a tall figure dressed in black behind me. My heart started racing and I held the mirror in front of my face and began walking again. He didn't seem to notice I saw him and continued following me. I saw him through the reflection and walked home pretending to look at myself in the mirror.

It was best for him to not know I was using the mirror to look at him. I studied the man carefully, looking for every little detail about his appearance.
There was a gun on his side. His long coat looked heavy, probably filled with other weapons inside it.

Was he an assassin? I guessed. Was he trying to kill me?
"Excuse me," I said aloud not turning around.
The man flinched, and I quickly turned around, spotting him run into the bushes.
"I see you. Why are you following me? Who are you?" I raised my voice. He became visible and took out a knife from the inside of his coat.
"Hm~? Threatening me? That won't work, I'm afraid that's too bad~" I smirked and prepared to fight.
We attacked each other, him with a knife and me with my bare hands.
He didn't seem to have much speed or strength.
"Hmph...You're pretty weak.." I said, knocking him down onto the ground.
He was really fast...My eyes couldn't even follow him...
I remembered what Y/N had said about her attacker.

This man wasn't the one who attacked Y/N? Then who?
He started to panic, and took out his gun and pointed it at me. I kicked the gun out of his hands and stepped on his chest, pointing the knife at his face.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I-I-I-I-P-P-P-Pl-Please don't kill me!" He stuttered.
"I asked who you are," I said firmly.
"I-I-I'm just an agent..sent to spy on
Renuard's daughter.."

He trembled in fear, "...please just let me go I-"
I kicked his head, causing him to pass out, and began checking his belongings. I uncovered his face, revealing a normal-looking man with glasses. I took a photo, just in case.
Inside his coat were definitely a lot of weapons, along with a small notepad.
I opened it and read it. It was full of information about Y/N. I frowned, my temper rising. This guy was stalking Y/N.

Don't show any mercy, she's their daughter.

I gritted my teeth and stabbed the knife into the guy's thigh causing him to groan in pain.
Who's daughter? Y/N's real parents? Why do they want to kill her? What kind of person is Y/N really?

I sighed. "It's too bad I didn't bring any hot sauce or wasabi with me...I would've had more fun than this..."
I went home with the notepad.

The past few weeks Y/N was kept in the hospital and was recovering faster than expected. I showed Koro-sensei the notepad, and who I encountered that day. He was really excited and dressed as a detective the whole time.
I visited her every day, though each day with her became more and more awkward.

Y/N was finally discharged from the hospital, with most of her injuries healed.
When she came to school everyone greeted her kindly and told her about what happened the past few weeks.
Itona and Shiro, The ball game, and Takaoka.

"Yo! Karma!" Maehara dropped his arm around me as we were walking down the mountain."How's Okuda-san?"
"Hm~?" I put my hands in my pockets."We stopped going out." I said bluntly.

"Wait what?!?" He shouted.

End of Chapter~
That's not really a cliffhanger right? I mean I wanted to end the relationship fast OvO
I ship Karmanami but that doesn't happen when there's a reader in the story!!

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