Chapter 8

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Hello! I kind of messed up the story a little because in the anime the trip to Kyoto was actually BEFORE they were at the assembly.. I'm so sorry 😖
Let's just say the assembly happened around episode 5 or something and the reader arrived in E-Class in around what happened in Episode 6. So Y/N came to E Class right after the exams ok? 😅
I will try to write this story in order so that it matches the events in the anime..

No One's POV

"What will you do? We can't stand here forever." Karma said slyly.
Asano glared at Karma as Koro-sensei approached

"I-I don't really want to go back, Asano-kun." Y/N said quietly standing up from her seat.

"What? Why?" He scoffed.

"Because back at the main campus, everyone's goal is to not end up in E Class. They push everything else aside. The place is always so gloomy. But in E Class everyone are friends and I have fun here." She said with a small smile on her face.

" don't deserve this E Class treatment."

"I may have to walk up a mountain everyday and get laughed at by elite students, but I think this is where I belong." 
(Cheesy ugh.)
Asano scoffed in disbelief but he didn't say anything.

"S-So please let me stay here!"  Y/N put her head down waiting for an answer.

Asano sighed."Ok, if that's what makes you happy."

"T-That was easy.." Kayano muttered.

"Eh?" She brought her head up."Really?"

He nodded. "Giving it a second thought you would be bullied a lot if you went back..."


I was elated.
"Thank you!" I jumped and hugged him happily. Asano immediately turned red, startled at the sudden affection.

"How many boys have you hugged before?!" Karma said scrunching up his face.

"Right?" Nagisa agreed laughing nervously.

"I'm sorry Y/N-Chan, I've been treating you bad." Asano said. "I realized how irrational I was, forcing you to do this..."

"Don't worry about it." I shook my head. I wasn't even mad, thanks to Asano I was happier than I ever was.

"Then I should get going." Asano said.
I walked with him to the door.
"Come see me anytime you want." Asano said with a smile.
I nodded."I will."
"That was quick.."
"Yea shouldn't this have been more dramatic?"
Everyone scoffed.

He turned back to the rest of the class. "I may be friendly to Y/N but that doesn't mean I'll treat the rest of you E Class losers the same." He stuck his tongue out and walked away as everyone sweat dropped.

"Now back to class shall we?" Koro-sensei said when I happily sat back down.

I felt Karma's stare and glanced over at him.
"Isn't this great? I get to stay!" I smiled, my cheeks flushed.

"Yeah I guess." He murmured and shrugged.

Time Skip to the night before the trip to Kyoto~

"Karma-kun what things should I bring? How many outfits should I put in my bag? Do I need sunscreen? Do I need a bigger bag??"
"Bring whatever you think you need." He said with a bored sigh.

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