Chapter 6

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Karma helped me plan my escape as we walked home together, but I disagreed on everything he suggested.

"Y/N is too scared..Y/N-chan is a scaredy cat." Karma said with a bored sigh.
"I-I'm not scared.." I said.
"Then you better do what I say."
"You better. You have to escape in a way that you won't regret it in the future." he said.
"Like how?"

"You get revenge for how they treated you this whole time." We arrived in front of my house.
As always my parents weren't home yet so Karma walked in casually like he's been here for years. I went upstairs to pack all my things, I didn't want to leave anything of mine behind. I took my parents suitcases and bags to put my stuff in.

"Karma-kun I'm done packing.."I said carefully walking down the stairs with the suitcases.
I stopped at the bottom,staring in awe.
The couch was flipped over, the TV was sideways on the floor and the dining table was upside down.

"Karma-kun what are you doing?!" I said staring at him as he tipped a chair over.
"Well since you're running away I might as well trash the place right~?" he said with a innocent smile.
"A-Ah..Is this the revenge?" I asked.
He laughed." No.I haven't started yet."
He walked over to the kitchen and broke a few glass cups and bended a bunch of tableware.

10 minutes later,we stared at the trashed house,and standing in a pile of trash. Karma placed his hands on his hips,satisfied.
I left a note for my parents before we left.
Dear Parents,
I hated you both so bad you guys are the worst people I've ever met. I'm now leaving this hell and never coming back again. Good luck cleaning up. I trashed it. You haven't done any chores  for years,right?

Y/N :)

Karma made me write all that.
We later left the house and Karma called a taxi to bring us to his house.

At Karma's house~
"Karma-kun you live in this house alone?"I stared in awe at the huge living room.
"Yea. I'll bring you to your room and you can unpack there." Karma said as I followed him up the stairs.
"Oh and Kayano is coming over later. So you should unpack quicker." Karma said before leaving the room.

I sat in the room, thinking about how my parents would react to me leaving as I hung my clothes up in the closet.

What if they found out where I was? What will they do to me? What will happen to Karma?
The worries ran in my head until my phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. I got a call from Asano just then and I picked up.

"*Ahem* W-Who is Y/N?You must have called the wrong number." I said with a fake voice.
"Really? Because I'm sure this is Y/N's number. Did she change it?"
Karma walked into the room and I quickly hung up.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Huh?! What did he say?"
"I hung up before he said anything."

Then he called again. "Hello?!"

"Ah I guess it is Y/N." Asano said with a laugh.
"I wanted to tell you you can come back to Class A now. Sorry for all the trouble I caused you." he sounded all kind and innocent, I wasn't sure what to say.
"I-I can go back?" I asked.
"Yea. Ill give you permission."

Karma seemed to hear what Asano said and grabbed my phone.
"Y/N is not going back to Class A."
"Akabane? Why not?"
"She wouldn't want to be miserable."
"Being with me is miserable? Eh? What could be more miserable than being in Class E?"

"Didn't I just tell you?" Karma said with an irk on his forehead.
"Well, I'm going to visit Class E tomorrow,so you better watch out." He chuckled.
Karma hung up and gave me my phone back.
"Y/N, don't listen to Asano. Just stay away from him." he told me with a serious look on his face. I nodded and then the doorbell rang meaning Kayano was here.

"Hello!! How are you doing? Feeling settled in yet?" Kayano said to me.

"Ah,Yea a little."She placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. Nagisa walked in behind Kayano and waved.

"Ah Nagisa! You're here too~" Karma closed the door behind them.
"I was worried about two girls at Karma's house.."  Nagisa said nervously.

We talked and played around for a few hours. Kayano suggested a few dramas and tv shows to watch.She said I would be able to learn from watching dramas. 

We ate dinner together, and Karma cooked.

"Wow! Karma I didn't think you could cook so well!" Kayano said staring at the plate.
"Well, I'm Karma. Im good at everything." He smirked.

After dinner,

"Ah..It looks like it's about to rain." Kayano said looking out the window.
The sky was covered in dark clouds, and we heard a small rumbling sound outside.
"Then you and Nagisa-kun should go before it starts to rain.." I said standing up.
Kayano nodded and shouted Nagisa's name, telling him they needed to leave.

"Bye-Bye!" Kayano said walking out the door with Nagisa.

End of the chapter~
I hope you enjoyed!
And I also hope I get more likes and views!

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