3. you're perfect.

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Phil Lester awoke abruptly. He sat up, blinking away the grogginess.

Except for, instead of the sun peeking through the window, it was pitch black. Instead of crashing of pans from Dan in the kitchen and his loud voice echoing though the house as he babbled to their 7 month old son, Owen, there was a small, muffled cry coming from next to him.

It was the baby monitor, and Owen was up again. He fumbled for it, and quickly muted it. He looked over at Dan, who was sleeping peacefully, and he threw over the duvet. His legs swung over the side. Phil tip toed out of room quickly, hoping to get to his son in time as to not wake Dan.

Phil walked down the hallway, still rubbing his eyes, and turned the handle to his baby's room and he padded in. There, in his crib, Owen was wailing, his eyes scrunched up and his cheeks rosy.

"It's alright, baby, shh," Phil whispered as he scooped up Owen and placed him on his shoulder. "Papa's here, lovie." He walked around the room a bit, rocking him softly as the cried subsided and all that was left thick hiccups.

He walked them to the lounge, shushing him softly, and his eye caught the open window. He walked Owen over, and pointed up.

"See the stars, baby boy? You know, your Daddy and I used to lay in the snow on winter days, looking at them."

Owen whimpered, and Phil let out a laugh. "I know, I know, I'm a bit to obsessed with your dad.

"But you'll be too when you find your love, I guarantee." Phil kissed Owen's nose and held him close.


Dan woke when he felt nothing next to him. His hand fell on nothing but mattress, and he lifted his head in confusion.

He stayed silent for a moment, and heard the faint voice of Phil talking to Owen. He smiled to himself and got out of bed.

He padded across the carpet and out to the hallway. he tiptoed carefully, then peeked out from behind the lounge doorframe. He saw Phil stood with Owen, talking to him softly.


Phil smiled as Owen's little head was drooping against Phil's chest.

"You know, baby boy, maybe one day you'll find someone that makes you as happy as your Daddy makes me."


Dan's heart swelled with love when he heard Phil say those words about him. Phil then began to pace around the moonlit room, rocking Owen and holding him very close.

"Your Daddy is the most perfect person I've ever met," he whispered. "He's so beautiful on the inside, but goodness, he's so gorgeous on the outside as well. He always makes me smile and laugh, and makes me feel loved...." Phil was grinning widely as he said this, and even if you closed your eyes you could still hear him smiling.

Dan was also grinning- like an idiot. His heart was hit with pangs of love, and he felt dizzy with the thought of being so incredibly lucky to have this man.

"His eyes are so perfect, Owen, you have his gorgeous eyes. You know, im glad we used your Daddy's DNA to make you, you little angel, because I see his beautiful features on you and I'm so lucky to have two perfect boys. His hair, which is so adorable when curly, just like yours, and such a beautiful mahogany color."

Phil kissed his son's head.

"And the rest of his body, all perfect. His shoulders and collarbones, goodness they are gorgeous, his cute little tummy, which I adore. He deserves to feel beautiful, so I try to tell him that as often as I can. And to tell him how cute his love handles are when he's sick of them. It's true," Phil laughed softly, looking at his son who was sound asleep on his chest.

"You're so perfect. I love you," Phil whispered to Owen, kissing his forehead.


Dan quickly walked back to bed, waiting as Phil put Owen back to bed. There was silence for a minute or two as he waited, and he couldnt stop smiling. His mind raced with the things Phil said and he felt warm and loved inside.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and Phil tiptoed inside. His eyes widended and he smiled when he saw Dan. "Hey," he whispered, climbing into bed. "Sorry I woke you."

Dan placed his hands on the sides of Phil's face, and kissed him. He smiled against his lips and murmured, "it's alright."

They both snuggled into the blanket, Dan on Phil's chest. Their hands intertwined, and Dan grinned.

"You know," he said, "I went down to the lounge when you were with Owen. I heard everything you said."

Phil closed his eyes and laughed. "Well," he said softly. "You know it's all true. You're fucking perfect."

Dan's eyes gazed at Phil's lips for a second, admiring him. He took his face in his hands. Dan's lips met Phil's, and they collided over and over, gradually getting more and more rough. Dan clutched Phil's hair and Phil ran his hands along Dan's sides, riding his shirt up.

They stopped for a second to catch their breath, and their foreheads and noses touched.

"I love you," whispered Dan.

"I love you more, beautiful."

The rest of the night, well, was just as you'd imagine it to be.


its 1am and im hella tired sorry about no smut i cant write it lol

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