20. sleepy baths.

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"Alright, baby, bath time," yawned Phil, ruffling at his hair and pushing it back before scooping six month old Lily up. He stood up from the couch, propping her on his hip. She drooped her head on his shoulder, and he kissed her head.

"I know you're tired. I am too," he murmured. "We'll have a nice little bath and go sleepies. Kay?"

Phil strode into the kitchen, stopping at the sink where Dan was washing the dishes.

"Giving Lily a bath, love," smiled Phil leaning in to kiss the side of Dan's mouth.

Dan turned around and smiled back at Phil, returning the kiss to his lips. "Have fun, angel," he cooed to Lily, giving her cheek a few peppering kisses until she giggled.

"You're too precious," muttered Phil to Lily as they made their way to her room.

Phil smiled widely to himself. He had been so lucky that Lily was, well, Lily. Her personality was so beautiful. She rarely ever cried, and greeted them every morning with a smile and a giggle. They adored her so much, and Dan couldn't get enough of the gorgeous blue-green eyes that she shared with Phil.

He was also lucky that Lily thoroughly enjoyed water. She was so content while taking baths and the few times they put her in baby floats at the pool. However, Lily was a bit cranky, as her last nap had been after lunchtime, and Phil knew she wanted sleep.

Phil creaked open the door to her room, setting her down on the pink padded changing table. Lily kicked her legs about, and pulled her yellow clothed foot up to her mouth.

Phil reached into her closet to grab some fresh clothes and a diaper, humming a tune of one of her baby shows that wouldn't get out of her head.

Returning to her changing table, Phil saw that Lily had resorted to putting her thumb in her mouth, her little lips gripping her finger. She watched her dad intently as he undressed her, her big eyes following his as her thumb slid from her mouth.

Phil looked down to her, grinning when he noticed her observing him.

"Hey beautiful," he cooed, tickling her tummy and and smiling when she giggled around her thumb.

"Hmph," he smirked as he wrapped her diaper up and threw it in the bin. "You're not as cranky as I thought you'd be."

Phil finished swaddling her in a towel, picking her up and walking over to the bathroom. He sighed, hoping she wouldn't get too upset and he could get her in the bath, out, and into bed. Without dealing with a soaked shirt and itchy, wet arms, that is.


Lily was asleep.

Phil saw it slowly happening, her eyes slipping closed as Phil stroked her arm with the washcloth full of soap, or when he rubbed soothing circles into her chest.

Now that Phil was gently rinsing her with warm water and a cup, she was fully asleep. It would take Phil a bit longer to wash her off carefully, as he tried not to upset her; but it was better than splashing and wailing.

Phil was becoming sleepier as well, yawning occasionally. The water was therapeutic and relaxing, and he felt himself falling asleep, so he quickly finished washing away the bubbles on her skin.

Phil grimaced as he picked Lily up gently, and her eyes slipped open and gave a little cry before landing on her dad's towel clad shoulder. He let out a relieved breath as she sighed quietly and fell back asleep.

He took Lily to his and Dan's room, setting her down and smiling and kissing her cheek before drying her off and slipping a diaper on her. He lay down next to her on the bed, singing softly as he took some lotion and spreading it across her skin.

He admired Lily so much, and cherished being a dad. The fact that she depended on Phil so much was so rewarding to him, and all he ever wanted. He couldn't stop gazing at her beautiful face, her eyelids flickering and her eyelashes so beautifully curled. He found himself getting lost in these thoughts, his eyelids growing heavier.


Dan walked into the room a while later, curious as to why Phil and Lily had gone silent. He grinned at the sight he saw when he strode into the room. Phil lay next to Lily, asleep, his nose against her chubby cheek, a sense of fondness coming from the scene. Lily's little fingers gripped Phil's large one.

Dan walked over to cover them in a blanket, tucking the blanket carefully under Lily's chin and around Phil's arm. He kissed both of their heads, whispering a good night and an i love you, before tiptoeing out the door.

Bath time had been a success, to say the least.


hi friendos ive been feeling really down lately and family problems and school stress has overwhelmed me so much ugh so i decided to take a lil break and write something !

IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR MY READERS PLS: i wanted to know which age group you guys enjoy as dnp's kids most??? i want to know what you guys like best so i can aim the majority of my shots towards that age <3

have a nice rest of the week :))) troye's heaven video comes out friday ugh the only good part of inauguration day


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