30. birthday boy owen.

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some snippets from Owen Howell-Lester's fourteenth birthday


"Will he wake up already?"

"Shh, Phil, it's his birthday for god's sake. Let my baby sleep."

"He's adorable."

"I know. I made him. I'm great."

"Sorry, Daniel, but if I remember correctly, Dakota did all the work. She did about 89 percent of it."

"Shut up, you love the curls I gave him."

13- no, now 14-year-old Owen Howell-Lester finally cracked his eyes open after minutes of muffled voices in his ears and gentle tugging of his hair, yawning softly.

He rubbed his eyes and smiled sleepily.

It was his birthday.

He was in his parents' bed, swathed in blankets. Having a family sleepover in dads' huge bed was a tradition on special occasions. Dan and Phil were closely snuggled on either side of him, resting their heads on his shoulders, conversing quietly. He wondered how long they'd been awake.

"Morning, sleeping beauty, know what day it is?" teased Dan.

Phil wrapped his arms around Owen's small frame, kissing his nose. "Happy Birthday!" he squealed, ignoring Dan's comment.

"Wow, it's my birthday? Had no idea," giggled Owen, rolling his eyes playfully to Dan. He leaned into Phil's hug, sighing contentedly. "Thanks, Papa," he whispered.

He then crawled into Dan's arms, no words being said, tucking his head into his shoulder.

"Happy Birthday, baby," murmured Dan, smiling. "You're still six, right?"

"Sorry," grinned Owen.

"You're still a tiny lil' baby to me. Forever."

"Okay, Dad."


Owen sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, mindlessly doodling in a sketchbook and popping blueberries and melon into his mouth.

He lifted his head at the soft sound of feet padding in, Dan entering with a towel. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss his head.

"Hi, dad."

"Get ready, you goose," teased Dan, picking a berry from Owen's bowl. "I'm gonna shower and then we're leaving."

"Where?" inquired Owen, curling his legs onto the chair.

"Nails!" was all Dan called, chewing, before disappearing into the bathroom.

Owen closed his eyes and giggled.


Owen walked into the lounge, where Phil was curled on the couch on his phone, a cup of steaming coffee in hand. He looked up as Owen came in and pushed up his glasses. He smiled.

"Good?" asked Owen, holding out his arms and twirling to show his birthday outfit. He reached up to touch the twinkling glitter stars placed underneath his eyes.

"Perfect, love," grinned Phil. "Very trendy."

"Yeah, trendy for girls," scoffed Owen, laughing at his glitter and soft color choices. He closed his eyes and sighed. "It doesn't matter. I love it."

"That's all that matters, babe," murmured Phil.

Owen strode over, kissing Phil's stubby cheek and giggling. "You need to shave, Papa."

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