4. uncle adrian.

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It was a Saturday morning, and the Dan was sat with his two babies, Lily and Owen, at the table.  Well, they weren't babies, (Lily was almost 5 and Owen was 3) but Dan refused to accept that they were growing up.

He had his phone in one hand, his other stirring his coffee absentmindedly. He glanced up at the kids, who were eating cereal and a banana. Lily, who trying to scoop the last bits of cereal onto her spoon, had a chin dripping of milk. 

"Oh, Pooh, look at your chin. Let's get you a napkin," said Dan, getting up out of his chair. Owen had been done with his cereal for a while, and he was tapping his spoon against his bowl.

"Owen, baby, if your done, put your bowl on the counter please."

Dan turned to get a napkin from the counter when he heard the scrape of a chair, giggles, and quick padding of feet. He turned back around to see Owen's blue onesie disappear behind the door.

Dan leaned against the counter and laughed. "Owen," he called. "Get your bum back in here now."

He stepped over to where Lily was, and wiped her chin as she whined.

Dan heard laughing and rummaging from the lounge, and he giggled to himself. "Owen! Now! Or you'll have an apple for pudding while the rest of us have ice cream," he taunted.

He stood there for a second, and then walked over into the lounge. His eye caught the large wicker box that was in the corner of the room. The lid was shifting, and muffled giggles could be heard from it.

"Hm, that's odd," said Dan, loudly. "Large boxes don't usually move on their own. Maybe something's haunted it."

He walked over to the box, picking it up. He heard a squeal. "Hm, since we've got a haunted box, I think we're going to need to toss it in the bin.

Everything went silent, then he heard a little "oh no."

Dan walked over to the couch and dumped the box upside down. Owen tumbled out, giggling as he landed on the couch.

Dan picked him up, chuckling. "Owen Adrian Howell-Lester. What do you think you're doing, mister?"

He tickled him, and Owen swatted his hand away. "Daddy," he said, giggling. "I not Adrian." Dan smiled at his little thick accent, and his unablillity to pronounce his r's.

"That's your second name, crazy."

"Adrian is Uncle Adrian, crazy," said Owen.

"Excuse me, mister? Did you just call me crazy?"

Owen giggled uncontrollably as Dan swung him over his shoulder. They marched to the kitchen.

Dan leaned back over the table, so that Owen could reach his bowl.

"You're picking up your bowl, now."

"Nope," giggled Owen.

"Alright, then," sighed Dan. "I hope you like apples. Because that's what you're getting for pudding."

"Noo," shrieked Owen.

"Go on then," said Dan, and he waited as Owen picked up his bowl. He brought them to the counter and Owen placed them down.

"Alright, kiss," said Dan, poking his chin. Owen pecked his cheek, and Dan squeezed him tight and peppered his face with kisses.
"Mm, I love you, babyboy," he said, giving him a final kiss on his forehead and setting him down.

"You're silly, Daddy. I'm not a baby. I'm a big boy."

Dan chuckled at his very straight face, telling that he was serious. "Alright, little man. Off you pop."


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