16. a sick lily.

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When 10 year old Lily woke up she knew something was wrong.

She felt sluggish and tired as she got up, and her body felt weak and queasy. She wanted so badly to go back to bed, just one more minute-

She fell back into the warm duvet of her bed and knocked out in seconds.

She woke up, groggy with half her body on the floor. Someone was shaking her, and she opened her eyes. It was Phil.

"C'mon, love, let's go. We leave in 30 minutes."

"Papa, I don't feel too well," groaned Lily.

"That's cause you stayed up late last night. I told you to go to bed."

Lily groaned again, this time in frustration. There's no way her parents would believe her. She pulled herself up and forced herself to the kitchen.


Lily sat at the table, picking at her food. She cringed when a piece of pancake slid down her throat, her stomach not agreeing with it. She forced down half of it before heading back upstairs to change.

Her head was buzzing as she got dressed, and she stumbled, feeling dizzy. Lily threw her hair in a ponytail and made her way downstairs.

There, she got her lunch and went to get her backpack. She was just by the front door when she stopped in her tracks. She could feel her stomach twisting and she knew something was coming up. Phil came over and opened the door, motioning her out.

Lily's eyes widened. She dropped everything and ran to the bathroom. Swinging open the door, her knees buckled and fell to the ground. She leaned over the toilet, and the half pancake was out.


After, Phil gave her a knowing look. "I'll call the school. Head on up," he had said. After rinsing her mouth out and changing into some pyjamas, Lily took some medicine for the flu that she apparently had. She now sat in her parents' bed, the duvet wrapped around her. Dan had pulled the duvet over the top of her head and pulled it under her chin so that only her face was showing. He laughed and said "Phil, look! It's Sister Lily!"

She rolled her eyes and couldn't help but wonder what he meant at that.

"My head hurtsss," groaned Lily.

"I know, baby," said Phil, leaning over the window to close the blinds. "You need to drink lots of water. The medicine will kick in soon."

Dan turned on the tv and scrolled through the channels. "Hmm, do you want to watch Kids Baking Championship?"

"Blech," groaned Lily. "The food is just gonna make me get sick again."

"Alright, alright," Dan muttered, and he plopped down next to his daughter, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Ooh," Dan said he clicked on a documentary. Exploring Greenland, it read.

"Dad, seriously?" asked Lily. "This is incredibly boring."

"Hey, did you know that Greenland is actually full of ice and Iceland is all green? Weird. I read that on Tumblr a while back," said Dan.

"Whatever," whispered Lily, and she encircled her arms around her dads' arm. She leaned against him, her head buried in his side. His hand stroked her arm soothingly, and he pressed a kiss to her head. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.


Lily awoke, feeling groggy and slow. She was alone on her parent's bed, cocooned in blankets. Light was seeping though the window and lay shimmering throughout the bedroom. She breathed in deeply, smiling at the comforting scent of her parents.

Lily heard soft voices downstairs, and forced herself out of bed. She stumbled down the stairs, each step nauseating. Padding into the kitchen, she turned the corner and saw her dads at the island. They were sat together, with what seemed like no space whatsoever between them. Dan had his head resting on Phil's shoulder, and they were talking softly with empty plates in front of them. The clock read 13:47, and she figured they had just finished lunch.
They turned around and sat up as they heard Lily walking in.

"How are you feeling?" asked Phil, holding out his arms.

"Ugh," Lily groaned, burying her face into her dads' arms. Phil 'awwed' sympathetically, and rubbed her back. She curled up on his lap and felt herself drifting into a fuzzy, sleepy daze.

"Lily," laughed Dan, "don't fall asleep again. I made you some lentils, they'll make you feel better."

"Ew," said Lily under her breath, and as Dan got up to get the food, she sat down in his spot. Lily lay her warm cheek against the cool marble as Phil stroked her hair behind her ear.

"Here, love," said Dan, placing the bowl of murky beans in front of her. "Eat it, please, you'll feel better. Just be careful so you don't vomit again."

Dan kissed her head and went to sit across from Phil, where they talked about something for the house, but Lily wasn't really listening. She spooned little bits into her mouth, and had to stifle a smile because she actually liked it.

Lily found herself finishing the bowl, and she went to put her dish away. But as soon as she stood up, she went lightheaded and had to sit back down again, groaning.

"I've got it," said Phil, who  grabbed her bowl and headed to the sink.

"Did you like it?" asked Dan from across the table.

Lily shrugged, trying to hide her smile.

Dan laughed. "Really? Because your empty bowl says otherwise."

Lily spluttered, and Phil walked up and hugged her from behind. "You can't trick us, baby. We can read each other's minds, you know."

"It's true," said Dan, grinning.

"Whatever," said Lily, and she screamed in laughter as Phil picked her up from the chair and started carrying her upstairs. Dan followed behind, and she stuck her tongue out at him from behind Phil's shoulder.

Even being sick was fun with her dads.


a/n: hi im currently eating cheesecake and listening to hamilton and life is good aside from that D- i have in history

also i actually like lentils,, like theyre delicious. it all depends on how you cook them m8

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