15. I need you.

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ok here's some parent!phan with an angsty teen you needy little shits smh


It was a Friday night, and Dan lay curled up and alone in his and Phil's bed, his chin propped up on his hand. A movie played quietly in front of him. His eyes were kept trained on the screen, but his mind was somewhere else. He kept his ears open for sound in the room across the hall, worries crossing his mind.

Phil was out, and Dan tried coaxing twelve year Lily into watching a movie with him, or painting their nails, or something. But she declined quietly, her eyes drawn away from his.

He tried again, stroking her arm, mentioning how lonely he would be without her. Refusing sharply, Dan could swear he heard her voice thick. He stood in shock, his arm still outstretched from where she pulled away from him.

Dan was unsure at how to react. He grabbed a pillow, holding it close. He decided to give her some space first, and not be so over protective. He wanted to, though. He missed the days when she was tiny and needy, sometimes, because she would never pull away at his arms engulfing her or his lulls when she was tucked in the crook of his neck. He received comfort from it as well.

An hour had passed of him swimming in his own thoughts. After a while, his head snapped up when he heard something. He strained his ears, surprised. It sounded like crying. Lily, Dan thought, and Dan wished he could tell himself that it wasn't.

"Love?" he called warily.

"Yes?" she called, and Dan knew she was trying not to let her voice sound thick.

"Come watch a movie with me," he said. "We can watch Coraline?"

"No thanks," he could barely hear her say, her voice shaking.

"Lily, are you okay?" Dan was sitting upright, his brows furrowed.

No answer.

"Do you need me?" he said softly.

Dan heard broken, muffled sobs, and then a "yes," and he was up and out of the bed in a flash.

Dan was very concerned at this point, and he walked over to Lily's door and swung it open slowly. He looked around the room for a second, and his eyes landed on LIly, sat on the floor, wrapped in blankets. Her eyes were red and her cheeks shone with tears. She looked ashamed, looking into her Dad's eyes.

Dan sighed, his heart breaking, but he simply walked over and plopped right down next to her.

"Tell me what's wrong, baby." He nearly whispered, and leaned over to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Gem-Gem's leaving." Lily couldn't hold her tears back, and she sobbed into her hands.

Dan pulled Lily into his lap. He rocked her gently, shushing and running his fingers through her hair comfortingly.

Gemma, or Gem, was Lily's best and closest friend, and she meant so much to Lily. They had met in the fourth, and Dan and Phil could see how they were made for eachother. So, guessing that Gemma was moving, he knew how sad Lily would be. Dan knew how overwhelming grief could be. He held her, giving her all of the time in the world to cry it all out so they could talk.

"Gem's leaving?" he asked softly.

Lily nodded, averting her eyes from his. He could see her bottom lip jutting out a little, tears pooling in her eyes. "She's moving. To Ireland."

Dan took her hands in his, reaching to kiss her head. "Why didn't you tell me before, baby?"

"It's not a reason to cry," whispered Lily. "It's ridiculous, and probably just hormones."

"Oh Lily," breathed Dan. "It's a perfectly human reason to be sad over. Friends are so important in our lives, and they're not the same as family. They give us a different happiness. I know how close you are to Gemma, and if Phil ever left me back when we were becoming so close, I would be so sad. He's my everything. My best friend who just so happens to be my husband."

Lily laughed softly. Dan smiled, kissing her cheek again. "I know it's gonna be hard at first, love, but you're gonna meet so many other people until you find your soulmate. I promise."

"What if I don't?"

"You'll have your little old dads. Papa and I will keep you company, we're not going anywhere. We're gonna be together, for the rest of time," Dan said.

"It's not your hormones, Lil," he continued. "Not yet at least. Everyone cries over friendships. When you start sobbing over a cat photo book because they're too adorable, then we'll know."

They both smiled, and Lily climbed into his arms. She sighed against his chest. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too, baby," he mumbled, smiling into her hair.

"Do you wanna do something together? We can bake, or something," he suggested.

"No," she mumbled, her voice sleepy. "'M tired."

"Okay," Dan said, getting up slowly and pulling her up with him. "Into bed, angel."

Lily made limp grabby hands at Dan. "Stay with me?" she whispered, and smiled as he climbed up onto the bed and pulled her close. Lily dug her head into his chest, and Dan knew she was fallung asleep to the familiar warmth and smell of him. His heart swelled.

She needed him, and he got just as much comfort from it as she did.


I GOT TIRED WRITING FOR YOU, tell me you like it

geddit lol

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