21. domestic mornings.

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Phil Lester walked into his home at 12 am on a Sunday morning. He strode into the kitchen, setting bags of groceries on the table and sighing contently. That was out of the way.

Phil noticed he had been getting used to an earlier schedule and more organized sleeping pattern since he had become a dad. Waking up earlier had been getting more important and necessary, and nearly three-year-old Lily had him running around in general 24/7. So, he took advantage of his newly made habits, buying early groceries on the weekends and cooking breakfast for the family, and spending more time with Lily. Domesticity was growing in the household.

He walked into his and Dan's room, expecting Dan to still be in bed, as usual. His way of taking advantage of the weekend was sleeping in until noon.

Instead, he found Lily, wide awake and giggling, on top of the shirtless back of a sleeping Dan.

"Papa," exclaimed Lily, bouncing on her knees, clad in her blue pajamas. When she turned around Phil caught sight of the pen in her hand and Dan's bare back. It was tainted with scribbles, and messy lines connecting his freckles together.

"Hi baby," he said slowly, stifling a laugh. He walked over to the bed, pushing Lily's hair back from her forehead and kissing her temple. "What'cha up to?" he asked, smiling at Dan's peaceful, sleeping face.

"I drawin' on Daddy's back," whispered Lily, bringing a finger to her lips. "A-Daddy go sleepies."

"It looks lovely," smiled Phil, whispering, looking at the constellation of freckles.

He bent down to Dan's face against the pillow, his cheek pressed to the sheet and his mouth slightly parted. Phil leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his lips and ran and hand through his hair. "Dan," he whispered, caressing his forehead with his thumb, the rest of his hand still in his hair. "You awake? I'm back."

Dan stirred slowly. "You went somewhere?" he mumbled sleepily.

"I got groceries."

Dan simply gave a grunt of acknowledgment and then reached to pull Phil's mouth to his again, his eyes still closed. Phil squealed in surprise. "Stay," whispered Dan, his eyes still drooping.

"I've got to make Lily breakfast."

"Mmm," protested Dan. "I miss cuddles from you, you're always gone when we've got time to sleep in," he whispered. "Please, baby?"

"Alright," Phil mumbled, smiling, kicking off his shoes and curling up next to Dan. Dan leaned over to kiss Phil one more time, pressing lingering pecks to his lips. Phil pulled away and grinned. He looked down to Lily, who had fallen asleep against Dan's leg, gripping his sweatpants with her little hands.

Dan proceeded to curl himself up into Phil's arms, resting his head against his chest, and drift back off to sleep. Phil rolled his eyes and smiled at his laziness. Dan was warm from slumber, and the comfort of his little family close to him pulled him back to sleep.

Maybe, next week, the groceries could wait.




IF YOU LOVE PARENT! ANY SHIP or that type of genre YOU NEED to listen to this song, its so adorable and I thought I needed  to tell you guys, it's called Dear Theodosia from the Hamilton album and even if you've got no idea about hamilton ITS SO ADORABLE and it reminds me of phan,, it's just a couple of cute dads and a musical theatre number I'm in love with it

anyways I hope yall liked this chapter and have a nice weekend and phil's birthday!

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