6. nap time.

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"One, two, three, four..."

Phil Howell-Lester counted the steps as he slowly walked up them, Lily in his arms. She gazed at stairs, oblivious to what he was saying but interested in her Papa's voice.

"Fifteen!" He finished, staring at Lily, grinning and kissing her cheek.

"What time is it for you, lovie?" He asked. "Is it time for nap time with Daddy? Is it?"

Lily babbled to herself softly, bits of "dadada" gasped into her words.

"Daddy, that's right," he smiled to her.

Lily stared at Phil for a few moments. Then, she smiled and softly tapped his nose with her small fingers. "Babababa," she shrieked quietly.

Phil grinned and bounced her once, kissing her head. "Yeah, Papa," he cooed. "Good job, baby."

Phil walked into the hallway, turning into Lily's room. "Dan," he called. "Someone's ready for her nap, you're putting her to sleep this time."

"Coming!" he yelled back.

Phil walked over to the planet and stars mobile hanging over her crib, letting her small hands toy with it as they waited for Dan.

The padding of feet grew nearer, and Dan walked in. He smiled at Lily, who caught sight of him and grinned her toothless grin widely.

"Hi princess," he cooed, taking her from Phil's arms. He paused to kiss Phil's lips. He smiled at him lovingly.

"I love you," he murmured.

"I love you more," Phil smiled, kissing Dan's jaw. He moved over to kiss Lily's head.

"Night night, baby," he said, stroking her small cheek.

He walked over to the door and blew a kiss to both of them before closing the door.

His smile would not disappear as he headed back to the lounge. He loved his little family so much.
(this was 6/21/16 lol)
a/n: it's short but hey it's something cute.

uM MY DAPGOOSE LA IS TMRO NIGHT IM WEAK ahh wish me luck. goodnight ! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH !! make sure to leave a comment, tell me what you think ;))

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