10. can't wait to come home.

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Dan Howell-Lester woke up on a clear Thursday morning, blinking his eyes groggily as his vision came into focus.

He felt a small, warm weight on his chest and looked down. There was his ten month old daughter, curled up in a yellow and blue floral onesie, one of Dan's personal favorite. Lily's right cheek was squished on Dan's bare chest, and her eyelashes lay in a curve along the edge of her eyelid.

Dan carefully brought her up to his shoulder, still laying down, and kissed her head. He swung his legs over the bed, holding her tightly. When he stood up he walked around, rocking her in his arms, being careful to not wake her.

After being sure she was still asleep, he carefully laid her on his bed, and he padded over to his dresser and pulled out some clothes.

This particular morning Phil was gone, as he had driven about 40 minutes the night before to see his mum at a hospital. She been rushed to the hospital as she had been very sick the day before, and Phil went to check up on her.

It was strange, waking up without him, but he also felt worry for Phil and his mum. Phil had rushed out the door after hearing the news, scrambling to get his wallet, phone charger and a jacket. He stopped to kiss Dan and Lily goodbye, and he was gone. Dan understood his worry.

After pulling on some clothes, Dan sat on his bed with his phone in his hand, trying to fix up the curly morning quiff atop his head. He checked for any recent texts from Phil. Nothing.

To Phil: how are things? Is she alright?

Dan decided not to leave the room until Lily woke up, as she could fall off the bed because she wasn't in her crib.

So he sat next to her, picking up a book and stroking her small tufts of hair. He was awaiting Phil's text anxiously.


Dan felt a small shift on the bed, and looked over next to him. Lily was moving, and he saw her open her eyes. She blinked them, and Dan admired her beautiful eyes.

"Hey baby," he cooed, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "You awake?"

"Dada-dada," she said said excitedly.

"Yeah, baby, dada." Dan's tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and smiled.

"Shall we go have some breakfast?" Dan swung his feet over the edge of the bed and leaned over to pick Lily up.

He carried her on his hip, and he walked them to the kitchen.

"Papa went to see grandma yesterday, so he'll be back soon. He told me to tell you he loves you right before he left. But you fell asleep quite early, didn't you? Didn't you?" Dan tickled her tummy, and she smiled widely, giggling.

Dan laughed and kissed Lily's head. "You're such a smiley baby. Your Papa's features are really starting to show, aren't they?" Dan joked.

They walked into the kitchen, and Dan leaned down to pick up a banana. "Should we have a 'nana? Yeah?"

Lily smiled widely, giggling and breathing quickly in excitement.

"Everything is funny to you, missy, isn't it?" Dan chuckled, pecking her cheek.

"You're way too adorable."


From: Phil

She's doing alright now. She's being treated, not worrying too much. Love you two ♥♥

Dan clicked his phone off, facing back to Lily, who was rocking back in forth in her high chair.

Dan had smashed up the banana so it was easier for Lily to eat, and got out a small spoon for her. Her little hands grabbed towards the spoon, and she lifted it up, bringing it up to her face but smushing it into her cheek instead of her mouth.

"Lily!" gasped Dan. "Well done, baby! You feeding yourself?" he cooed, and reached over to clean her cheek with a napkin. "We just need to practice getting it into your mouth," he laughed.

Lily tried again, this time tapping the spoon on her little front teeth, grinning and giggling.

"We need to call your dad," he muttered, and took his phone, smiling as he connected to Phil on facetime.

"Hey!" smiled Phil, seeing Dan.

"Hi," giggled Dan. We'll talk in a bit, but Lily just fed herself! Here-"

He panned the camera to Lily. She focused on the screen, and squirmed and shrieked, recognizing her Papa.

"Hey, baby," waved Phil. "Are you a big girl now? Are you?"

Lily babbled quietly, looking at Phil and back and Dan, as if confused. Her bottom lip jutted out, and she started to cry.

"Aw, sweetheart," said Dan softly, stroking her hair. "Papa will be back."

"I love you, Lily," exclaimed Phil. "I'll be home soon, I promise, baby."

"Awh, she misses you," Dan said to Phil.

"I know," smiled Phil sadly. "I miss her too. I can't wait to come home."

Dan and Phil's hearts burst. They had the sweetest, most perfect daughter.

(this was 12/2/16)

cool, its my birthday.

honestly, today, reflecting on all of the people and things I love, you guys are so amazing. you guys are too sweet to me, and ive improved so much on my writing and couldnt have done it without this community.

ALSO, one of my readers has actually started a story inspired by some of my oneshots, which is incredible!! Go read it on their acc, Tronnors_Bae , its actually so good.


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