26. magical dad powers!

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Remind Dan and Phil to never take their daughter to a shopping center at night. Ever.

"DADDY!" screamed Lily, breaking away from Dan's grasp and turning to face him. "YOU ARE HORRIBLE!"

Lily was having a tantrum at the shops. She did not want to leave the Disney store, even though they had been there for nearly an hour, and it was way past her bedtime. They needed to get her home and into bed.

"Alright, yep," mumbled Dan, sighing, leaning to sweep her into his arms.

"NO!" she yelled, attracting stares. She scrambled out of his arms and scurried away.

"Lily Howell-Lester," he said sternly. "You will come back here right now."

"No," she sneered, and Phil sighed and walked over to her.

"Lily, darling," said Phil softly, "please-"

"STOP!" she said sternly, holding out her palm to her dad.

"But Lily, I've got something to tell you," Phil said enticingly, watching her eyes widen. " Come here. It's a secret that Daddy can't know."

He held his breath as she crossed her arms. "Can I tell you, please?"

Lily ran over to her dad, trying to keep the annoyed expression on her face. "Fine," she grumbled.

"Come," cooed Phil, lifting her up into her arms. Dan swore he could see her eyelids already drooping.

Dan smirked knowingly. Lily always fell for this.

When Lily was tired and whiny, Phil would pretend to want to tell her a "secret," then coax her into his arms, rock her for a bit, hum something soothingly, and bam. A sleeping toddler. He wondered why she never resisted when she was with Phil, but he did know it was something very special she had with him.

Phil tucked Lily into his arms, slowly beginning to pace around and rock her soothingly. "Guess what?" he murmured. "Don't tell Daddy, but I'm sure you're so much smarter than him. Wanna know why?"

"Why?" asked Lily, and Phil could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Because," Phil said, beginning to whisper, "There's a song that everyone knows by heart, and one time, Daddy told me he didn't know the words," lied Phil, praying that this would trick Lily. "And you know it and he doesn't."

She lifted her head from his chest slightly, her brow furrowing. "But-"

"Shh," interrupted Phil, rubbing her back. "Let me sing it for you, It goes like this-" he held his breath for a second. "Twinkle twinkle little star," he began cautiously, looking over at Dan and winking.

Dan tried to suppress a giggle, and smiled when he saw Lily's shoulders relax, her eyes slipping closed at her Dad's soft singing. "-how I wonder what you are..."

They began walking towards the exit of the shops slowly, Phil still rocking her. Dan joined along with the song too, as at this point, LIly probably forgot she was ever mad at her dad. All they knew was that she was tired. Even though she openly claimed she wasn't.

"-up above the world so high..."

They strolled into the car park, walking along the rows of cars.

"-like a diamond in the sky..."

They found their car, and Dan unlocked it.

"Twinkle twinkle little star..."

Dan opened the back door for Phil as quietly as he could.

"-how I wonder what you are."

They managed to slip Lily into her car seat with no fuss, shutting her door and climbing into the front seats themselves. They heaved sighs, Phil's head lolling back onto the headrest.

Dan turned, and leaned over to take Phil's jaw in his hands, pressing their lips together. "You," whispered Dan between kisses, "are a magician."

"No," said Phil breathlessly, "I'm just a dad."


y'all im kinda in love with this chapter//

HEYHIHELLO how are you?? so i just had my panic concert, squee, literally spencer eye fucked me in a not serious but good, magical way, and i cried,,,,, and i got no sleep,,,,BUT i Feel GREATATATA

ANYWAYS aside from that I've been writing like personal little!dan oneshots oops idk if anyone's interested in that???idk???oops???

I HOPE THIS CHAP WAS OKAY< SOry it was so short!

goodnight beautiful beans

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