22. a questionable daughter.

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Dan awoke to a ruffle of the bed sheets and excited, breathy giggles in his ear. He cracked his eyes open, smiling immediately when his own brown eyes met two-year-old Lily's. Her nose was no more than an inch away from his, her eyes wide and her little lips smiling.

"Daddy," she squealed, squirming, so over excited about surprising her dad.

"Hello there," he grinned, bringing his hand up to stroke her cheek lovingly. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Lily smiled, bringing her sippy cup up to her lips. Dan watched as she sipped quietly.

"Did Papa give you sippies? Is he in the lounge?"

"Papa makin' breakfast," Lily stated, sighing happily and scooting up to her dad's bare chest. Dan wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her back as she finished her milk.

"Daddy-sleepies?" Lily questioned after a few moments of comforting silence.

"Pardon, baby?"

"Daddy go sleepies 'night?" Lily managed, and Dan understood.

"Ohh," he smiled, kissing her head. Phil must have told her that Dan got no sleep last night. He was right, annoyingly. Dan's insomnia had kicked in, which was the first time in a while. He could not keep his eyes closed, and kept getting up to linger around the kitchen or lounge, or even check on Lily. He kept on waking Phil when he got up and felt bad, but he knew Phil was caring enough to not be even the slightest bit annoyed.

"No, daddy couldn't go night-night." He stuck out his bottom lip to Lily, feigning sadness.

Dan had to fight a smile as he saw the concern grow in Lily's eyes, and a frown grew on her face as well. She had a perfect daughter.

"I sorry, Daddy," frowned Lily, her r's mixing with her w's. She reached up to pat his cheek lightly.

"That's okay, baby. Thank you," he exclaimed.

Lily paused to take a drink of milk before grinning and tapping her finger to Dan's nose. "Boot boot!" she giggled.

Dan threw his head back and laughed at her inability to pronounce p's. "Boop boop!" he repeated, tapping her nose as well.

Lily smiled toothily before wrapping her little arms around her dad's neck. "Daddy. I love you," she whispered, her accent thick.

"Aww," Dan cooed, swinging her over his chest and holding her tight. "I love you so very much."

"Ok, Daddy," Lily stated, squirming out of his arms. She hopped off of the bed, gripping her sippy cup. "Night-night!" She turned off the light, shutting the door.

Dan heard her giggle, then her little feet padding away.

He brought his hands up to his grinning face. What a daughter he had.


ughdghghsghs im tired and dont want to go to school tuesday but i hope this was okay <3

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