13. something to tell you... part 2

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From: Cadence ❤️

To: Cadence ❤️

From: Cadence ❤️

lily I stg u better be outside the door now

Lily rushed down the stairs, swinging the front door open. She saw Cadence on the pavement, who was waving goodbye to her mom as she drove away.

It was a few days after Lily letting the news out, and the Howell-Lesters invited Cadence to have dinner at their home.

Lily hadn't thought much of it, and to her it was just her best friend/girlfriend and her parents, having dinner together.

Cadence, however, had freaked out. She had already known Lily's parents, but now that they knew her and Lily were dating, it was even more nerve-wracking. To Cadence, this was a test, and the only one chance to prove she was a good person.

Sometimes Cadence had really bad anxiety, and sometimes she was extremely confident. Lily loved Cadence's confidence, but as for her anxiety, Lily was always there to calm her down when it was all too much.

Cadence started walking up the path to the front door, and Lily couldn't force back her smile as she saw Cadence. She looked beautiful, and Lily knew she was trying her best so that Lily's parents would like her.

Cadence looked up to the door and met eyes with Lily.

Usually, if this were a cliché relationship, Lily could see Cadence walk gracefully up the pathway, her hair flowing beautifully across her shoulders as her eyes sparkled, gazing into hers. She would smile at Lily lovingly and wave.

Instead, when Cadence saw Lily, her face dropped and she grimaced and scurried up to the front steps, looking uncomfotable in her dressy outfit. It was really cute, Lily had to admit.

Cadence reached the porch. "Hi," Lily grinned, hugging Cadence. Lily knew she was nervous.

"Ohmygodohmyohmygod," Cadence said, bringing her hands to her face in despair. "Lily what am I gonna do-"

"Cadence, love, look at me," Lily giggled softly. "All you have to do is be yourself. Alright?"

Cadnece nodded, bringing her nails up to her mouth.

"No- Cadence- stop that," said Lily, swatting away her hand from her mouth.

"Sorry, im just nervous," Cadence said distractedly.

"You're okay, they love you already, don't worry." Lily kissed her cheek, and grasped her hand. "Ready?"

Cadence locked eyes with her, and nodded, biting her lip.

They went inside and Lily closed the door behind them.

"FATHERS," Lily called, giggling. "MY CADENCE IS HERE!"

"COMING, ONE SEC GIRLS," called Dan.

Cadence took Lily's hand with both of hers, cupping Lily's hand in both of her intertwined ones.

They could hear footsteps trudging over, and Lily brought Cadence's hands up to her lips and kissed them softly, reassuring her.

Cadence took a deep breath. She could do this.


Dan hurried to the front door where Lily and Cadence were, Phil behind him. There was a smile on his face, and he was incredibly excited for the girls.

Dan and Phil turned the corner to where the front door was, and both grinned at what they saw.

Lily was stood next to Cadence, who was holding Lily's hand with both of hers.

When Cadence saw Lily's parents, she dropped Lily's hand immediatly and Dan saw her face go white.

"Hello!" Said Phil, walking over to hug Cadence, Dan following his lead.

"Hi!" Dan said, letting go of the embrace. "We haven't seen you in a while, Cadence! Its been, about two weeks, I believe? That's quite a long time considering the fact that Lily drags you down here almost every day."

"H-hello," Cadence stuttered, choking on her tounge.

"Aw, no need to be nervous, hun," said Dan, patting her shoulder. "Trust me. I remember the first time I met Phil's parents," Dan laughed. "It was also the same day we came out as a couple to them. That was like double nerves."

"I remember that," Phil giggled. "Dan nearly fainted. We don't wan't Cadence fainting, do we? You'll miss out on the mac and cheese."

Dan saw Cadnece's eyes widen. "Lily told us it's your favorite food," he explained, smiling.

Cadence looked over at Lily, who grinned.

She looked back at Dan, smiling widely. "Thank you very much Mr. Howell-Lester. Dont worry, I wont be fainting. I love mac and cheese too much."

They all laughed. Phil then motioned uo yhe steps. "Well, why don't you two go up to Lily's room. Dinner's nearly ready."

"Thank you," exclaimed Cadence as Lily took her hand, and they bounded up the stairs.

"Door open, please!" Phil called after them, and Dan giggled.


"Your parents are the best," gushed Cadence. She sat on the carpet of Lily's floor, her back leaning against the edge of Lily's bed.

"If I was inviting guests over, my mum would never serve mac and cheese. It would be roast ham and veggies or something. Ewh," grimaced Cadence.

"There's no need to worry," Lily reassured. "They're super excited for me. Well, Papa's a bit iffy but it's alright. Dad's gone all out."

Cadence's smile faltered. There was a few moments lf silence as Lily muttered something about needing a hair pin.

Cadence opened her mouth to say something, but she hesitated. "Lily?" she finally asked.

"Yep?" She asked, looking over her shoulder, stopping as she rummaged through her drawer.

"My parents." She said slowly. "How are we ever gonna come out to them?"

"Cade, we don't really need to, it's not like we're getting married anytime soon."

Cadence blushed. "I'm just saying, you know how she is, super traditional...."

Lily walked over to Cadence. "For now, we're best friends to them. Okay?" She gave Cadence a smile.

"Mmhm." Cadence smiled back.

"But it's okay. Our relationship won't be completely hidden. My parents will be great to us. Maybe they'll even help me with the cost of our promise rings."

Both of their eyes widened.

Lily spluttered. "I mean what-"

"Lily!" laughed Cadence, gasping.

"You didn't hear anything, I don't- I don't know what you're talking about- promise rings? I don't- what are promiserings, I'venoideawhat...."

Cadence smiled fondly.

She didn't hear anything. At all.



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