A night out and too much to drink

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"And ... Done!" Cara flourishes, finishing filling my lips a gorgeous fuchsia colour. She has a huge grin on her face as she carefully inspects her artistic work that I haven't been allowed to see yet, she even made me wear a blindfold while she dressed me in the outfit she made for me.

"Can I look yet?" I plead, "you do realise if I look hideous I don't have much time to change it."
"Don't you dare!" She glares at me, "now I'm gonna go and get dressed. Why don't you take a peek." She grabs her own dress and twirls into her ensuite bathroom. I shake my head in amusement, I've missed my best friend so much, and slowly stand fingering the lacy fabric on my hips and turn walking towards the full length mirror in the large, white wardrobe. I gasp at the result. Cara has put my hair into loose, natural curls. My makeup is naturally done but she has added dimensions to my face while giving me sexy smoky eyes. My dress is just as beautiful, plain black that hugs my figure and shows off my waist to just above my knees and lace that starts above my cleavage and goes up to just below my neck. I love dressing up.

I hear a wolf whistle from the bedroom door and turn to see my mum and aunty Al smiling at me. "Don't you look smouldering," my mum laughs walking over to me and giving me a big hug.
"Mum!" I shout panicking, "don't mess up my hair!"
"Sorry!" She laughs holding her hands up.
"Aww Linds do you remember us getting ready like this when we were in Uni? Makeup and jewellery everywhere and arguing over bathroom time with the other flat mates." My aunty Al chirps in, she always get sentimental when we're all together. "You've all just grown up so fast," she says walking over to the bathroom door before banging on it.

"Cara! Are you planning on taking all night in there? We need to get going!" She turns back to me and mum "cocktails are on me tonight girls!" She laughs before pulling my mum out of the room and leaving me alone. I pull on my black high heeled ankle boots and fasten my favourite silver pendant before double checking myself in the mirror and knocking on the bathroom door.
"You nearly done Car? I don't want your mum to have to come back up here."

"Coming, coming! Beauty doesn't have a time limit!" I roll my eyes, "yeah well your mum's patience does and I don't want to be at the firing end of it." I hear the lock click and she exits the bathroom looking stunning in a flowery white summer dress and matching white stilettos with silver heels. She glosses her lips in the mirror before grabbing her silver clutch and grinning at me. "The girls are back together again!" She giggles checking her phone "you know I think the boys want to go out after, my uncle's finally opened his new club in town; there's a bar, live music a few times a week and he gives me an 18+ wristband," she grins winking at me. Cara's birthday wasn't until early August when she would finally turn eighteen and her party was the highlight of everyone's summer, she never failed to surprise. Last year she'd had a huge bonfire on the beach with enough alcohol to sink a ship, the night had ended with everyone running into the ocean and Eli spinning me around in the water. It was exhilarating. I sigh before following Cara downstairs, maybe one day.


CLINK! CLINK! CLINK! The cutlery and plates bounce up and down on the tablecloth as the whole restaurant's occupants drum on their tables to Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk". After enough food to feed a small army and enough drinks to make them dance home, the restaurant was alive and electrified. The band were on fire and all six at our table were singing our hearts out. It was the most fun I'd had in ages. Jeremy picks up his fork and sings into it like a microphone, harmonising perfectly with Eli who grins and points at me.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" The lead singer announces finishing the song and waving to the audience who all groan.
"No! You've only just started!" My brother shouts causing laughter to erupt in the crowd.
"Come on man, you sure you still wanna go out after? You've had a lot to drink," Eli laughs slapping Jeremy on the back before turning to me and Cara. "You two coming? We were thinking of going to The Basement, Mason had a bit of a disaster earlier so his place still isn't open for business," he rolls his eyes, "but I'm still feeling getting my groove on." He smiles cheekily.
"Oh God Eli! Embarrassing is not a good look on you!" Cara cringes draining her woo woo.
"What that's my winning smile, seeing if it'll work on little Dani here," he grins cheekily.
"Hey man that's my sister," Jeremy pulls a face, somewhat hazily. I laugh at their drunken antics, if only they really knew.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now