Fulfilled desires

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Just another warning ahead that the following scene does contain mature content, though not badly graphic, please read at your own risk!

We eventually make it to Eli's room in a bit of an agitated heap. With one smooth move, without parting our lips, he shuts the door behind me and gently pushes me up against it. Holding the door firmly with me tightly between his arms, we attack each other's mouths. Oh my God, I can't believe this is really happening!

I kiss him back with everything I have, moving my arms to wrap them around his neck. Feeling a sudden bout of confidence, I pull away and place my palm on his chest. With a cheeky smile, I push him with my hand so that he's forced to walk backwards before sitting hard on the bed.

He grins up at me in anticipation as I straddle his thighs, leaning on my knees. I hold his face between my hands and kiss him once again while he tightens his grip on my lower back. Our tongues battle for dominance and he lowers down, sinking into the bed so that we're lying down.

A seemingly endless amount of time passes before Eli flips me over so that he hovers warmly above me. He kisses me again, running his tongue along my lower lip for entrance. I make no hesitations in allowing him in again and run my fingers firmly through his hair. This causes a faint moan to escape his mouth and he forms a trail of kisses down my chin, nipping gently all the way to my neck. He gently kisses there, sending tingles down to the deepest pit in my stomach. A mounting desire is beginning to build up in my nether regions and I find myself forgetting all of my responsibilities, any other romantic attachments. All I want right now, is Eli.

"Is this ok?" Eli's husky voice interrupts my deep thought of desire, forcing me to remember that my only current clothing is my little white towel.

He's asking me for permission as his fingers skim the towel's fold at the top of my chest. I nod slowly and reluctantly, no one has ever seen me naked before and the thought is absolutely terrifying. My heart is pounding so much that I feel like I might go into cardiac arrest.

At a painful pace his fingers undo my towel and quickly swipe it away. He stops for a moment, gazing down at my tanned body, I can feel his breathing deepen and intensify.

"What?" I ask shyly, looking up from under my dark lashes.

"Nothing ... just -" he cuts himself off by kissing my neck again. Please just don't leave a love bite. Trying to explain that to Cara would not be fun.

I realise, within my thought, that he's working his way down my body to the top of my chest. Not so easy mister!

I make use of my almost paralysed hands and slide them under Eli's shirt, pulling it up as I do. He catches my train of thought and, laughing, pulls it over his head. While he throws it carelessly to the side, I admire his beautiful, toned body. Gently caressing his abs, I smile up at him. Leaning down to my ear, he nibbles up my earlobe, his breath vibrating down my ear in an intoxicating way that forces me to dig my nails into his side.

He continues lower, kissing my chest as he passes, making his way to kissing my navel. He's going lower still, his eyes taking in every inch of my body. His expression is one like I have never seen before, purely lust, his eyes contain a deep darkness of desire. I have to admit, having this effect on someone is such a turn on.

I gasp loudly as I'm pulled from my thoughts by Eli kissing the most sensitive part of my body. He pulls back up to kiss me on the lips, passionately parting my lips with his tongue while his fingers continuously rub me downstairs, causing sensations that I've never felt before. My legs begin to twitch without my permission and I start to moan, feeling sheer pleasure encompass my body.

"You like that?" Eli whispers seductively, directly into my ear again, causing even more incredible spasms to take over my whole body.

My response is an unrecognisable sound that seemingly echoes throughout the room. I try and reply by kissing him but another gasp forces it's way through my throat when he slips two fingers inside me. He simultaneously rubs my sensitive region, gently planting kisses around my mouth.

I lie in delicious agony as he continues, gaining momentum and as I look into his eyes; I feel an ever-present connection form.

"Come for me Dani," Eli insists gently down my ear, his words are faint against the wall of pleasure that he's building for me.

Hearing him say my name pushes me over the edge into the most intense orgasm I've ever had. Well, the only orgasm I've ever had. I cry out as my climax consumes me and knocks every ounce of breath from my lungs.

"You ok?" Eli asks gently a little while later as he removes his fingers and kisses my forehead.

"Never been better," I reply breathlessly, trying to focus on something - anything - in the room that will help me regain my sight.

"Good," he laughs, leaning down to give me a gentle kiss.

"But I'm not going to sleep with you," I say sternly, resuming my humour before kissing him back.

"You sure?" He replies with a grin, tracing his hand across my stomach's sensitive skin.

"Uh huh."

"Because something tells me that you'd probably enjoy it," he says with a smile.

"Don't get cocky!" I slap his arm, letting him kiss me again. I feel addicted to him and everything he does.

I'm just about to suggest repaying him for his wonderful service but we're interrupted by Eli's pone buzzing next to us.

"Ah, it's Jeremy, they'll be back soon. They're just at the shop if you want anything?"

"Nah I'm good," I reply sliding out from underneath him and standing up.

"Well that's quite a sight," he comments, grinning up at me as he casually leans on his elbows looking like a Greek God.

"Perve," I joke, sticking my tongue out at him before finding my towel and concealing myself.

"Oh I see so you get what you want out of me and then leave," Eli laughs pulling a fake sad face.

"You saw the phone, my very overprotective brother will be home very soon," I reply defensively, climbing back onto the bed, straddling him again and placing my hands on his broad shoulders.

"So where do we go from here?" Eli asks, suddenly changing the topic with a look of seriousness rooted on his face.

"You aren't going to just go back to Nicki now are you?" I try and ask in a joking way but there's a certain sadness to my tone that surprises even me.

"After that, I'll struggle to even look at another girl again," he insists smiling "but no, I'll tell her that it's over for good. What about you and Alex?"

"I'll tell him too but I want to do it face to face ... so I'm afraid we'll have to wait until I see him again."

"What, why?" Eli protests pouting.

"Because that's what I want to do, so there," I reply boldly, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well I'll hold you to that," he leans in closer to my ear "and I plan to put that tongue to some good use by the way."

"Oh really?" I answer, playfully raising an eyebrow.

With that I jump up and skip from the room, shutting the door behind me and screaming internally.

Thank you everyone for reading, yes I warned you that it wold get a bit steamy! If you liked it please vote and comment and tell me if you like the mature scenes or not. 😉

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