Betrayal all round

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Warning! This chapter contains what could be sexually disturbing to some people, I've tried not to be too graphic but I thought this was an important issue to try and tackle. I just hope that I've done it well. Please read at your own risk!

*Dani's house party outfit*

"Which one?" Cara insists as I sit on her bed stuck in my all time favourite play; A Street Car Named Desire. "Will you please pay attention?" She insists tapping her foot impatiently.

"Cara it really doesn't matter, I'm only going to go for as long as it takes to talk to him," I sigh, studying both of her dresses.

"Yeah but I still want to look nice," she answers back, studying the dresses again herself "anyway I thought we could go into town after so the night isn't a total waste."

"Yeah sure," I agree calmly. Don't get me wrong, I'm terrified in anticipation of my awkward conversation to come tonight.

"Then will you please answer my question," she asks again, raising her eyebrows.

"Fine ... I think the blue one," I say pointing to the short vibrant blue dress with halter straps that I know will definitely show off her envious curves.

"Good choice," she says happily hanging it on her wardrobe door handle. "What about you?"

"Cara like I said before, I'm really not that fussed," I say honestly, shutting my book and throwing it to the side.

"Dani," she starts matter of factly "please do not ruin this summer by being boring."

"I am trying to be sensitive," I say trying to defend myself.

"Exactly, you're an English student and sensitive is just another synonym for boring."

"Not really," I laugh "anyway just pick something out for me, I'm not too bothered and I trust your fashion expertise much more than mine."

"Maybe you aren't as dumb as you seem to appear," she replies laughing, avoiding my foot that's trying to connect with her thigh. "Still as violent though," she tuts shaking her head.

"Who's being violent this time?" My mum chimes in, popping her head round the door in amusement.

"Your daughter Linds, she's practically being a savage," Cara over exaggerates, shaking her head.

"Well I'll try not to interfere, just came to ask if either of you wanted a sausage butty," my mum laughs, over exaggerating her traditional northern accent.

"Yeah!" Me and Cara both pipe up in unison.

"How did I know that's what your answer would be," she laughs rolling her eyes "oh and Cara your grandparents have just got back, they're coming round for dinner tomorrow."

"I haven't seen Jack and Bonnie in ages!" I smile thinking about Cara's grandparents that always look like they've come straight out of a children's storybook.

"And they're just back from India so gifts all around!" Cara cheers giving me a triumphant hug.

"Such genuine intentions," I laugh, hugging her back.

Cara's grandparents were basically born again teenagers. As soon as Jack had retired late from the intense world of business, they'd up and left to travel the world. What started out as a three week cruise around the Caribbean turned into ten years living in the furthest corners of the world.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now