Dark motives

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Hey y'all! I'm so excited for this chapter but first I wanted to give a content warning, in continuation from the last chapter expect things to get pretty dark and potentially triggering if you aren't prone to mild violence and threatening behaviour. I've tried not to make things graphic so don't worry too much. Also be warned there's quite a few swear words and colourful language present. Other than all that lovely stuff, I hope you enjoy! 😘

Darkness continues to completely cloud my unconsciousness as crazy colourful images flash through my mind. I feel my eyelids slowly flickering open as an unbearable heaviness hangs painfully over my head.

"Fuck," I groan, breathing in sharply as I roll all my weight painfully onto my side.

I'm just trying to recollect whatever crazy dream I was having last night when my whole body lurches forward. Glancing around in confusion, I almost cry out in terror as I realise I'm in the dark rectangular back of some sort of van. Another big bump throws me forward again and I nearly smack my face against the floor, only saving myself by slamming my hands onto the cold, off-smelling metal. I hear the muffled sound of roaring laughter from within the front of the van as we seem to speed up yet again and I shoot backwards as we obviously career down some sort of steep slope.

Ok what the hell is going on? Where the fuck am I?

I seem to be frozen in terror as I curl up into the corner of the cold grey rectangle, wrapping the hem of my long black dress protectively around my ankles. How ironic, the dress which only a few hours ago seemed so magical now suffocates me as, shredded and torn, it sticks against my skin like glue. I glance manically around the back of the van, looking for anything I can use to get out. To beat the living shit out of whoever has me here.

Is this some sort of sick prank? It has to be right? This kind of stuff doesn't happen to people like me, it's just impossible. Right? However, I don't know of anyone in my life that would do something as messed up as this just for a joke.

It's no use. All I'm surrounded by is bare metal walls and an equally empty floor. The hollowness that surrounds me offers nothing except goose bumps that prickle up furiously and make the hairs on my arms stand on edge. Rubbing my limbs furiously, I try to steady my breaths to soothe myself and ignore the intense panic that's quickly rising in my stomach.

Just about then, everything comes to a halt and it's not long before I hear two doors out front slam shut. How long have we been driving for? How long was I out? I can't hear much except the faint sound of crunching gravel that sounds like it's travelling round to the back of the van.

They're coming to collect me.

I scramble out of my cowering position and to my feet in preparation, feeling like a terrified deer that's being hunted down. Feeling my pants rise to an erratic pace, I clumsily pull a damp strand of hair away from my face as I brace myself to face whatever bastards are out there. I fold my arms across my chest and grip tightly onto my elbows as if this will somehow protect me from what's about to come. Whatever that is.

The back doors soon swing open with the most ear-piercing screech and my eyes immediately scrunch shut when a blinding artificial torch light pours through the gap, assaulting all my senses viciously.

"Step out of the vehicle please," I hear a deep voice instruct firmly as I hesitate before shuffling forward slightly.

"Hurry up and get out of the fucking van!" An inpatient American voice booms out. I'm pretty sure that same voice belongs to the mystery guy that knocked my lights out earlier.

"O-ok," I whisper before stepping carefully to the end of the van and hitching myself down onto the hard concrete. The sudden drop in temperature and being attacked by the sharp wind that slaps fiercely against my cheeks is already a big enough shock to the system when, from out of nowhere, a sudden rush of ice cold water is chucked over me.

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